
July Joy Jolts

Growing up in the Northeast, July still very much feels like the middle of summer, but here in Texas, everyone keeps referring to it as "the end". The end already?! But though the heat will continue, kids are going back to school in just two weeks and we're savoring...

The power of a purchase pause & 5 easy steps to save

I have been giving a lot of thought to consumption in all forms (more on that later), but after a recent conversation with a friend on how expensive groceries are, I thought about all of the ways we work hard to save so we can spend on the "splurges" that align with...

(Healthier) Candy Bar Bites

Do you own a mini muffin pan? Then I absolutely implore you to make these tiny treats. And perhaps after hearing how delectable (and low-glycemic!) they are, you might just toss the idea of the "mini" and go straight for the super sized version: I should have led with...

Why you need G.L.O.V.E.S

I listened to a fantastic conversation with a new-to-me acronym that made so much sense, I couldn't wait to share with you. It's a beautiful way to remember our daily well-being Rx to make sure we've checked all of the boxes for body + mind: Gratitude According to...

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Feeling run down? Try this:

We're right in the thick of January blues, and with gloomy days comes the dreaded seasonal affective disorder; sluggish body + mind, feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and overall exhaustion. If you check any of those boxes, today's post is for you. Get back to your...

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9 proven ways to build success

I devoured a podcast today that was incredibly timely, wildly impactful and one you immediately want to send to all of your growth mindset friends ((that's you!)) because you know how much it will resonate, motivate and inspire. Here are the key takeaways and the...

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December gratitude photo diary

This month made a drastic up-tick from the last (morale-wise), and for that I am so grateful. But the shift didn't come in the way I expected. We discovered this exceptional book filled with wonderful fables at our favorite book shop in Sedona. One tale is about a...

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20 things to toss now

I am very much a believer in the one in, one out rule when it comes to bringing items into our home. If we buy something new, we donate/ recycle/ toss something old. It helps you to be more mindful when it comes to purchases; and with this purposeful practice, we...

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November gratitude photo diary

You have helped us to make this space such a safe, warm, judgment-free place. So I know I'm in wonderful company when I share that this has been one of the hardest months I've had in years. We are all safe, healthy, well-fed, and together - so in truth (and I...

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