Sunday Scrolls

July Joy Jolts

Growing up in the Northeast, July still very much feels like the middle of summer, but here in Texas, everyone keeps referring to it as "the end". The end already?! But though the heat will continue, kids are going back to school in just two weeks and we're savoring...

The power of a purchase pause & 5 easy steps to save

I have been giving a lot of thought to consumption in all forms (more on that later), but after a recent conversation with a friend on how expensive groceries are, I thought about all of the ways we work hard to save so we can spend on the "splurges" that align with...

(Healthier) Candy Bar Bites

Do you own a mini muffin pan? Then I absolutely implore you to make these tiny treats. And perhaps after hearing how delectable (and low-glycemic!) they are, you might just toss the idea of the "mini" and go straight for the super sized version: I should have led with...
BlogSunday Scrolls

Sunday Scrolls: July edition

This edition of Scrolls was an absolute delight to put together. I loved layering in some of our favorite treats to come out of the kitchen lately (homemade mint chip ice cream!), along with ways to super-power our dog walks, and all of the golden nuggets that are...

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BlogSunday Scrolls

Sunday Scrolls: June Edition

June is such a celebratory month (perhaps you can bring our honey cake recipe to your next gathering?) and Scrolls is packed to the brim! We're sharing sleep shifts you can make today to sleep better tonight, the easy exercise that actually has the power to change...

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BlogSunday Scrolls

Sunday Scrolls: May Edition

Today's Scrolls has been a delight to put together for us: a blueberry muffin (made without sugar and yet positively decadent), meals, movement and mindset motivators to improve health span, and a book I've been waiting years to share with you! Come on in, it's a...

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Sunday Scrolls

Sunday Scrolls: April edition

We just came back from a wonderful visit in Florida after my grandma's shoulder replacement surgery and what a gift it was to (gently!) squeeze her and my mom. It's not lost on me how special it is that Grey still has his great-grandmother. We saw baby dolphins,...

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BlogSunday Scrolls

Sunday Scrolls: March edition

I have a pretty good story to tell you about what we did the last six months but it doesn't have a proper ending yet, so I'll wait to share until next time. I have been thinking about you and the invisible load we all carry, and in case no one told you yet today -...

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BlogSunday Scrolls

Sunday Scrolls: February edition

You might be able to tell how long January actually felt, and how much I've missed Scrolling with you based on the overflowing bits & bobs about to envelop you in a warm squeeze inside. Starting with the ridiculously easy and delicious focaccia recipe (that I'm...

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BlogSunday Scrolls

Sunday Scrolls: January edition

I am writing this feeling a bubbling of hope, excitement, and (you know I have to say it) - JOY. I pray that those sentiments are felt through the screen, and with the intentions, ideas, and motivation you're about to scroll through. It has been a real gift putting...

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BlogSunday Scrolls

Sunday Scrolls: December Edition

Hooray! I've been looking forward to this all week. How are you feeling today? We are so excited to share the meals, movement and mindset motivation we've been testing and tucking away to make it the most well + joyful end of the year. And please give the meal idea...

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Sunday Scrolls

Sunday Scrolls: November Edition

Your time is so precious and knowing that makes curating each Sunday Scrolls that much sweeter. I so enjoy wading through the inter webs to source the really juicy nuggets - only zoning in on the tiny, delicious tidbits in hopes of awakening, exciting and inspiring...

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Sunday Scrolls

Sunday Scrolls: October Edition

I really missed you last week! But I realized that I also miss spending time developing new recipes and writing about a wealth of wellness topics that motivate us to dig deep in our well of joy. So from here on out, Scrolls will now be a jam-packed monthly edition...

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