
July Joy Jolts

Growing up in the Northeast, July still very much feels like the middle of summer, but here in Texas, everyone keeps referring to it as "the end". The end already?! But though the heat will continue, kids are going back to school in just two weeks and we're savoring...

The power of a purchase pause & 5 easy steps to save

I have been giving a lot of thought to consumption in all forms (more on that later), but after a recent conversation with a friend on how expensive groceries are, I thought about all of the ways we work hard to save so we can spend on the "splurges" that align with...

(Healthier) Candy Bar Bites

Do you own a mini muffin pan? Then I absolutely implore you to make these tiny treats. And perhaps after hearing how delectable (and low-glycemic!) they are, you might just toss the idea of the "mini" and go straight for the super sized version: I should have led with...

July Joy Jolts

Growing up in the Northeast, July still very much feels like the middle of summer, but here in Texas, everyone keeps referring to it as "the end". The end already?! But though the heat will continue, kids are going back to school in just two weeks and we're...

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BlogWell-Blended Recipes

(Healthier) Candy Bar Bites

Do you own a mini muffin pan? Then I absolutely implore you to make these tiny treats. And perhaps after hearing how delectable (and low-glycemic!) they are, you might just toss the idea of the "mini" and go straight for the super sized version: I should have led...

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Having an off day? Try this.

Whether you're traveling, at home in a rut, or just not feeling yourself, here are some easy no-cost protocols you can employ right now to move toward a more restored, centered, joyful day: non sleep deep rest Also known as Yoga Nidra, Dr. Andrew Huberman coined...

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BlogSunday Scrolls

Sunday Scrolls: July edition

This edition of Scrolls was an absolute delight to put together. I loved layering in some of our favorite treats to come out of the kitchen lately (homemade mint chip ice cream!), along with ways to super-power our dog walks, and all of the golden nuggets that are...

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June Joy Jolts (a photo diary)

June turned out to be just the celebration we all needed after a long (longgg) year of moving (three times), homeschooling, and non-stop renovations. We were in our favorite town for a two-fer to celebrate Grey finishing 2nd grade with flying colors, and loving on...

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Summer Grocery Shopping List

I love peeking inside other people's carts in the hope of finding a new-to-me treat to try, or inspiration for a twist on an old recipe. Here's what you'll find in our cart all summer long, and some reasons you may want to consider copying part of the list (hint:...

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