
Well + Joyful Reminders for Fall

I love the spiritual significance of autumn: representing the harvest, it's a time to reflect on all of the work we've been putting in physically, spiritually, emotionally, and celebrating the blessings we've achieved as a result. It's the perfect time to assess...

Everyday superfood smoothie – v, gf

If you're like us, you're strapped for time in the morning, on the run, and perhaps not especially "hungry", but you know the power of fueling your body with the right ingredients to gift yourself the best start to the day. Enter, our everyday superfood smoothie. We...

Sunday Scrolls: September edition

This shift in seasons always makes me feel excitement that typically manifests in a whole house deep-clean, closet purge, and intake of new information to up-level whatever goals I'm working toward at the time. Today's Scrolls is loaded with research-backed protocols...

The Sunday Ritual You Haven’t Tried Yet

I've read (and likely written) countless posts about a Sunday well spent bringing a week of content. I am a firm believer that old saying still rings true. But lately I've implemented a new take on it that has been serving me well, and I'm sharing our Sunday spin...

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BlogSunday Scrolls

Sunday Scrolls: July 23rd

Grey has been asking to travel back to Chicago since we moved to Texas (almost 3 years ago), so he and I took a little trip together this week and hit up all of his favorite spots. What a gift it was to see the city through his rose-colored glasses. So inquisitive,...

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BlogSunday Scrolls

Sunday Scrolls: July 9th

In case you didn't hear it enough this week - you are doing hard things every day - and making them look easy to everyone around you. I had that aha moment so many times throughout the week: our neighbor across the street mothering four children beautifully, a good...

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BlogSunday Scrolls

Sunday Scrolls: February 21st

I saw a lot of Don't Mess With Texas memes this week. That saying has been long-lived and loved. But what feels even more fitting in our experience down here, and not just in crisis mode is Love Thy Neighbor. I felt that lesson wholly and feel so thankful to be...

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BlogSunday ScrollsUncategorized

Sunday Scrolls: February 7th

Hello, kind friend! How was your week? Jon was gone for seven days for work and just got home this weekend. We've been soaking up all the family time before it's back to work mañana. He has this trip every year, and it's such a nice reset, in a way. You come back...

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BlogSunday ScrollsUncategorized

Sunday Scrolls: January 31st

You asked for more fun finds, and this week, we delivered. If you're looking for the most magnificent mocktail, we're whipping one up for you below. And we have a fantastic new read we couldn't wait to tell you about, plus a plethora of exciting links in the Try It...

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