January Joy Jolts

By Kaylea

Jan 27, 2023 | Fit Fam Favorites, Well-Being

You know how they say everything on social media is a highlight reel? I agree. So I scrolled through my camera roll and chose five simple, real-life moments that brought us immense joy this month. I feel lucky to share them with you!

January was award winning!

Grey the Great was the recipient of the Excellence in Music award this month at school. I happened to walk to pick him up this day because it was so nice out, and he made us run all the way home so he could share his big news with his Dad 😍.

and filled with good omens…

There are 3 (that I can identify) of the dreamiest Great Blue Herons that frequent my walking path. Seeing them each day feels like such a good sign.

also surprises from friends!

Who doesn’t love getting something delightful in the mail? My friend Deanna generously gifted me this book as a surprise, simply because she was in a bookstore and thought of me. If that isn’t a Joy Jolt, I don’t know what is. It came with the kindest note, and just felt like a warm hug. She’s the kind of thoughtful human I aspire to be. And speaking of – you are going to fall in love with the two female leads in this book. It is heartbreaking and soul-filling and wonderful all in one.

fun around town…

We have the most extraordinary library in our town and Grey and I have a standing weekly date to snuggle in their cozy chairs and read for hours. They also put on the coolest events and this month we brought Jon along for a lego competition – who could build the tallest tower using only 21 legos ((it wasn’t us 😅)).

and lots of love!

I recently completed another certification program from Cornell for Wellness Counseling and I have received so much love and support from my family and friends.

Today’s Well of Joy mission: Buy the stamps, write the cards, and snail mail someone with love. You have no idea the impact it will have for the lucky recipient!

Please share some of your January Joy Jolts in the comments below! I can’t wait to celebrate all things big and small with you 💙.

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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