This month made a drastic up-tick from the last (morale-wise), and for that I am so grateful. But the shift didn’t come in the way I expected. We discovered this exceptional book filled with wonderful fables at our favorite book shop in Sedona. One tale is about a farmer and his son and a depiction of the “bad” and “good” things that keep happening to their family. The father repeats throughout the story, “who is to say what is good fortune or bad?”. Because the “good” things that occur bring on the “bad”, and it keeps circling back around. Even though I know this to be true, it took a children’s book to lock that piece in place. How do we know if that “bad” event didn’t save us from something worse and lead us to something great? I have a fresh perspective that I’m taking into the New Year, but first, our joy-lights from December:
And some not pictured, like having a working sink in the kitchen ðĪ, and catching up with friends. Also, living in a year-round amazon world made homemade gifts stand out so beautifully this Christmas. My Aunt made us ornaments with a picture of my Grandpa and a piece of his shirt on the back, my Uncle had mugs etched for us with phrases from my Gram, our neighbor brought over jars of jam from all of the bounty in her garden, my mom made us stockings, and good friends of ours sent homeopathic remedies and heartfelt cards. What treasures! It inspired me to want to do things a little differently (more mindfully and thoughtfully crafted) for the next holiday season.
I hope you had the most extraordinary celebration with your families. I feel so thankful for all of these adventures we get to experience, and the hands I get to hold along the way. Thank you for stopping by today. I would love to hear some of your December joy jolts in the comments below! We can’t wait to see you tomorrow for Scrolls ð. Be well + joyful, kind friend!