5 Ways to Find JOY Today

By Kaylea

Mar 10, 2023 | Well-Being

I was reading a continuing ed piece on counseling and this blurb really resonated with me: It’s not a “bad mood”, it’s a low mood. And the pendulum will keep swinging, higher and lower, depending on the day. Nothing is necessarily “bad” or “great”, it’s all in how you choose to see it. So in case you’re in a low mood today, or just want to swing it a little higher, here are some unexpected ways to weave more JOY in:

Text a friend a joke or song lyrics with absolutely no context.

Let me tell you, this most certainly sparks joy. Because if you send it to the right person, they’re either going to play ball, or it’s going to go haywire quickly. Both versions end with a good laugh. I used to have this app on my phone that would randomly text Drake lyrics to friends. One time I sent it to a professional colleague by mistake and he shocked me by replying with the next verse in the song 😅.

Go on a hunt for good day signs.

I love this one. If you need a hug from the universe, choose something that elicits joy for you, then open your heart and keep an eye out. I love to look for owls, butterflies, and smiley faces. Some people look for hearts. It can be anything that holds meaning for you and you will see them in the most unexpected places!

Make a mug of tea & give yourself 10 minutes to watch silly videos.

By my estimation, it takes about 10 minutes to really relish a mug of tea. And if silly YouTubes aren’t your jam, you could give yourself permission for whatever guilty pleasure you don’t usually allot time for. It could be scrolling on social, a beautiful reading break in the middle of the day, or playing a podcast outside your wheelhouse.

Play a song from your college days.

We all have that song from “the good old days” that comes on once in a blue moon and we immediately know every word as if it were yesterday. Put it on blast, dance alone in your bathroom, and get the feel good vibes going.

Surprise someone you love with something you know they’ll enjoy.

This could be anything from popping a card in the mail, to texting a friend a code for a Starbucks drink on you, or even taking a picture of a quote that reminds you of them. It takes you out of your bubble and reminds you that you are connected to others, even when that connection feels shaky. By making someone else’s day, you make yours in return. A win-win!

Do you have something to add to the list? I’d love to hear in the comments below. And in the meantime, we’re wishing you a well + JOYful day. You deserve it 💙.

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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