5 Ways I’m Spring Cleaning My Life

By Kaylea

Mar 28, 2023 | Well-Being

We’re not talking toilets – today we’re going deeper. And if we follow through on these five tasks, can you imagine how “clean” we’re going to feel?! Let’s start right now:

Re-examining old beliefs

Just because you’ve defined yourself by something: a job, a style, a set of beliefs; doesn’t mean you have to continue that cycle for longer than it serves you. Look at all the pain points that come up throughout the day and notice where you feel anxiety, stress, that push-back feeling, and begin to imagine a different way of being.

I’m looking at everything from Grey’s education, nightly walks instead of TV time, the people we let into our circle, to the next move for the Pack, and planning for our future. Spring is a wonderful time of re-birth and growth!

Setting new boundaries

On that note, if an identity or belief system no longer aligns with your personal ethos – it’s time to set a new boundary. Perhaps you’ve decided to be more present during family time and no longer check your phone; you set a boundary with yourself to leave it in another room, or change the settings to do not disturb. Maybe it’s that you’ve decided to be more mindful about conversations or thought patterns that are negative or harmful. You set a boundary with friends and family, and when the topic takes a turn you’re not comfortable with, you either politely excuse yourself, or choose a new thought.

Clearly defining goals

In order for us to achieve our goals, we need to clearly define them. Rather than saying, “I want to walk more each day” (too broad), we could say “I want to hit 1,000 more steps each day” (a target we can measure). Then, we’re going to take the next step and give ourselves a path to do it, “I’m going to get 1,000 more steps in by walking to school pick-up instead of driving.” Look at some of your goals and check in to see if you’ve defined them in a way you can measure, and if you’ve outlined the steps to make it possible. The more clear we get, the better chances we have for success.

Following through

This has been the biggest aha for me in the past year. When we make a promise to ourselves and keep it, we’re building self confidence. And when we make a promise to others and keep it, we’re seen as someone trustworthy, and true to our word. Who doesn’t want that? Using the example above of saying we’re going to walk to school instead of drive, that means we’re going to make every effort to follow through. We’re not going to allow excuses to impede our commitment, and we’re going to show up for ourselves, and celebrate each small win when we walk out the door instead of reach for the keys.

Physically, mentally, and digitally clearing clutter

We think of spring cleaning in terms of scrubbing baseboards and dusting those hard to reach places, but what about all of the clutter in the corners that is harder to “see”. This is a wonderful time to edit all of the areas we spend the most time in: our inbox, our workspace, our thoughts. What can we take care of right now that will free up space to work on/ manifest/ enjoy something that better serves us?

This month I bagged up 9 bags of dresses and shoes that I had been holding onto “in case”. Many of them were from my career in television, and I have no intention of going back to that any time soon. As I was folding each piece, I held gratitude for what it meant to me during that time, and as I donated the bags, I said a silent prayer that it would help someone else feel empowered and confident as it did for me.

What are you holding on to that you haven’t needed/ used/ worn in years? Is it tied to an old identity that you’re ready to shed? I encourage you to lovingly let go and make room for all of the new energy that’s waiting in the wings! I can’t wait to see what’s next for you šŸ’™.

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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