well season essentials + protocols

By Kaylea

Nov 26, 2024 | Blog, Well-Being

I know, they call it “sick season”, but I’m all about a mindset shift and I think this is one we can really get behind. As we plan for family gatherings, holiday parties, and joyful festivities, here’s how to stay well this winter:

Is it really “sick season” or is it the season we eat big holiday meals and go out for lots of late night parties and overindulge in sugary sweets and don’t get enough sleep, spend too much time indoors scrolling and not enough time soaking in the sunshine and breathing fresh air? We might never know 😅, but we can do as much as we can in terms of meals, movement and mindset to call it well season instead:

stock up

First, let’s stack the deck in our favor. Stock up on well-being essentials to help make daily protocols as easy to implement (and stick to!) as possible.

  • vitamin essentials – I’m all for eating whole, nutrient-dense foods instead of blindly taking supplements, but the reality is, we don’t get the variety we need to meet our full mineral requirements. A great quality multi-vitamin is a good idea, especially in the winter when a variety of fresh produce isn’t as readily available (or in season). We also take (all in liposomal form made in small batches via Cymbiotika) magnesium l-threonate, a D3K2COQ10 combo, and an omega 3 supplement for me and Grey since we don’t eat animal products and need the brain boost!
  • homeopathic remediesOur family stocks up on these because, #kidgerms, and it seems to knock out any of the sniffles Grey brings home from school. And if you’re looking for a clean cough syrup, this is a great one.
  • water bottle + added minerals – Before you roll your eyes, studies show that people drink less water in the winter. Of course, since we’re not often working up a sweat like we do in the summertime. It also feels unnatural to reach for your water when your body is freezing. But! We not only need to stay well hydrated, we need to keep our body flushing out all of the toxins we’re surrounded by, and make sure our cells have enough minerals to keep them healthy and fighting off disease. I always start the morning with half a packet of electrolytes in my favorite water bottle, then in one of my afternoon refills, I add a few drops of this.

daily protocols

  • getting outdoors to soak in morning sunlight to set the circadian rhythm, and view the sun setting (late afternoon, right before dinner) to signal it’s time to start winding down for bed.
  • eating whole foods and limiting processed foods and sugar.
  • believing you’re stronger than your excuses ((spoiler alert: you are!)).
  • sunshine and fresh air, as much as possible – free vitamin D!
  • daily movement – walks, weights, cardio classes, free YouTube pilates – whatever gets your body moving to sweat out those toxins!
  • vitamins – habit stack with something you’re already doing so you don’t miss a dose. This keeps the vitamins actively working in your system to keep you functioning at your best.
  • managing glucose spikes – when we aren’t regulating our sugar consumption, we are more likely to fall ill. I love the Glucose Goddess hacks for curbing blood sugar spikes, and my very favorite is movement after meals. We take a nightly walk around our neighborhood as soon as we finish dinner and it has turned out to be one of the things I look forward to most each day – a win win win in so many ways (reducing blood sugar spike from a large meal, curbing cravings for more food, connection with my people, getting more steps in, winding down before bed…the list keeps going!).
  • mitigate stress as much as possible – much like what we said above about sugar, the same can be said for stress -the two factors that come full boar during the holidays! When we’re stressed, we are more at risk for sickness, so prioritize your well-being through mindfulness, saying no when it’s not a full on YES!, meditating, letting the small stuff slide, and staying on top of your time management so you don’t get sucked into stressful deadlines and disaster.

plan ahead

So we’re eating clean foods, prioritizing movement and quality sleep – but then – several invitations come through for dinner parties and late night soirees and you don’t want to miss out on all the fun. Or perhaps you’re a little more low-key like me (read: not getting invited to these fancy parties 😅) but you’re hosting family and going to a bunch of school functions, and not able to keep up with your healthy habit stack. What do we do? Plan for it.

  1. If you know you’re heading to an event, in the days leading up to it make sure you’re even more on top of all of your wellness protocols: sleep well, eat clean, minimize stress and distractions, get an extra round of movement in, drink an extra glass or two of water, don’t skip vitamins or time outdoors.
  2. Eat a small, nutrient-dense meal before you go, then bring a dish to pass that checks all of your dietary needs in one. That way, you know you’ll have something available that you feel good eating and you won’t overindulge in something that makes you feel bloated and off-course the next day.
  3. If you’re traveling during the holidays, take time before-hand to order extras of all of your well-being essentials and don’t leave home without your vitamins and minerals, a reusable water bottle, clean snacks for travel day, an eye mask and ear plugs to help you sleep better – whatever will feel like the comforts of home to keep you on track for your goals. Make a plan to stick with some of the habit stacking you do regularly – getting outside for sunlight and walks, finding a quiet space to meditate, taking downtime away from family and friends to recharge when you need it.

Last but maybe most importantly, please don’t feel you need to be so regimented about this that it stresses you out. We’re all doing the best we can with what we have. If this list overwhelms you, perhaps you could choose one protocol that feels good and implement that into your day. If you’re already doing several and feel energized and healthy – that is incredible – keep going!

Stay well and joyful, kind friend!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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