This Week’s Joy Jolts: 2nd week in May

By Kaylea

May 14, 2022 | Well-Being

There were a whole lot more than five to share, but I’m saving some for tomorrow’s Sunday Scrolls! Here are a few of the reasons my laugh lines grow a little more creased by the day, and for that, I am so grateful! Thank you for spreading JOY with us today:

1. Back in the Reno Groove!

I hesitated adding the mudroom/ laundry room renovation to this week’s Joy Jolts because the dust that ensued from the demo most certainly did not spark joy. It is everywhere. But the finished product will be well worth it, and seeing the excitement Grey had to jump in and help was the very best 😍. A gold star to Jon for taking this on before he has another surgery on his fingers Monday. We don’t call him Nonstop Nixon for nothing!

2. Dog Days of Summer

We’ve been 90+ degrees for weeks and with full sun it feels well over 100 πŸ˜…. So Grey spent the week “teaching Gemma to swim” every day after school and it is the biggest cup-filler I’ve felt in a long time. My cheeks hurt from beaming at the two of them together. Gemma is quite the little fish and has taken to sailing around on Big Joe when she wants a break from him throwing the ball. Plus, I get two tired kids out of the deal πŸ™πŸΌ.

3. Sneaky Pancakes

Pancakes are one of my favorite things to make Grey for breakfast because of the amount of superfoods I can sneak in. Today’s batch had flax (high in antioxidants, fiber, protein) and hemp seeds (magnesium, omegas, + improves focus + brain function!).

4. Magnolias in Bloom

I always heard about magnolia trees before moving here (essentially in every southern living magazine and country song), but never appreciated just how special they are. They line every street and are in nearly every yard in the neighborhood. They are spectacularly beautiful to look at, but the SMELL is truly magic. The air is so fragrant everywhere you go; it smells like God lit a sweet-smelling candle for all of us to enjoy 😍.

5. Volunteering at Splash Day

It isn’t lost on me how lucky I am to be able to volunteer at many of Grey’s school functions. In lieu of a Kindergarten graduation, they made a Splash Day for all of the kindergartners to celebrate the end of school. I was at the bubbles and hula hoop station and it was too cute to bask in their glee. God bless our teachers caring for our sweet babes as their own. One more week until we have a first grader!

What brought you joy this week? I would love to hear in the comments! See you bright and early tomorrow to enjoy a cup of coffee & Sunday Scrolls!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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