The Pack’s 8 Daily Wellness Habits

By Kaylea

Apr 22, 2022 | Well-Being

We live by the motto: when you know better, you do better. And I’ve made “knowing better”, particularly in the health arena, my mission for the past couple of years, recently completing my Nutrition and Healthy Living Certification at Cornell. I feel so deeply grateful on a daily basis for the privilege to start each day trying to “do better” than the day before. My wish for our family, and for you, is a life lived fully and healthfully. Here are some of the wellness practices we’ve woven into our routine that have stuck, and made the biggest shift for both physical and mental well-being:

1. Vitamins

By no means is this a one-size-fits-all, or something to start before you know where your deficiencies lie and how to remedy them. But this is the combo that ((currently)) works for us:

2. Water

After reading from various experts about some of the dangers of toxic chemicals found in tap water, we finally made the switch to filtered water at our house. We have this tucked away in a convenient corner of the kitchen and get the reverse osmosis refillable jugs at Whole Foods. Jon and I have a goal of three water bottles a day, and Grey goes for two.

3. Purposeful Movement

For the past couple of years, we have created a habit of daily exercise – either low impact HIIT, strength training, or light cardio. Jon and I have successfully cemented this in our morning routine and it is one of our family choices that I am most proud of. (Their FREE YouTube version, here, and it’s amazing for all levels!) It’s more than just the movement component – it is the commitment to each other, to ourselves, and the future health of our family. For us, it is the best way to not only work on our physical well-being, but our mental toughness as well, and set an example for Grey to devote time for himself and his overall wellness.

4. Daily Walks (rain or shine)

When we moved to Chicago in 2012, we found a love for walking that has carried us to today. We’d walk to church, the grocery store, to donut shops, and were eager to explore every corner of the city. Some weeks we would clock 60+ miles, and it was one of our greatest times for connection & JOY. Fast forward to family life in suburbia and walking is not nearly as imaginative and eye-opening as before 😆, BUT, it can still be fun, and we all reap so many incredible benefits from getting out for a jaunt around the block. PS – you should listen to this podcast, it was so inspiring!

5. Fruit/ Veggies First

I’m a longtime fan of The Glucose Goddess (her brand new book is incredible, here!!) and we have been employing her easy, free, amazingly impactful hacks to curb blood sugar spikes. The easiest one for our family is starting every meal by eating vegetables first, then moving on to the rest of the plate. It’s also a great way to fill up on greens. I love that it doesn’t call for restricting anything, but rather a way to manage it better. As for what we eat – we aim for mostly whole foods (I am vegan, Grey is vegetarian, and Jon is an omnivore, but mostly plant-based). We still indulge, because cookies are delicious!, but we cut way back on anything processed and focus on the good stuff whenever possible.

6. Triangle To-Do’s

We each have our own to-do-lists and the things we need to check off every day. But what has been most helpful, especially on the weekends when we’re out of our regular routine, is to compile one family list ((together)) of all the things we’d like to get done. This is our time to bring up projects we’ve been putting off that we’d like help with, chores that need to be done, and also fun adventures we’d like to go on. This way, we all feel seen, heard, and share responsibility together. Did you know: whenever you recognize a task or project as completed, your brain releases a load of dopamine, generating feelings of accomplishment, satisfaction and happiness?! A superpower.

7. Prayer/ Gratitude

My very favorite item on the list. Many years ago, my Grandma Shirley gifted me a copy of her favorite devotional, Jesus Calling. I read one page a day, 365 days a year, and start it all over again on January 1st. My copy is now pretty tattered, but even reading it as many times as I have; each page brings new meaning with fresh eyes (and circumstances). If you’re more spiritual than religious, that’s wonderful, too. Maybe you’re not spiritual at all, but you can see the good in all things. I always tell Grey, if the first thing you say when you wake up in the morning is THANK YOU, it’s going to be a good day.

8. Brain Boost

As much as we prioritize expanding our health physically, we exert the same effort, if not more, on a growth mindset. For us, that means being mindful about consumption. You know that phrase “you are what you eat”? I believe that to be true in all the ways – you are what you watch, you are what you read, you are what you listen to, and you are an amalgamation of whom you spend the most time with. So with that being said, we try to set aside time each day to challenge our brains. I love to listen to a podcast on my walks (anything from conversations in Spanish to the brain’s blood barrier to parenting hacks), and Jon will listen to interviews with anyone and everyone on a crazy range of topics. Something fun we do as a family is whenever Grey asks a question we don’t know the answer to, we YouTube it and watch it together. We have learned SO much this way – have so many fun conversation starters based on what we learned that day – and it helps us all find common ground.

Every body, and every circumstance is different, so by no means is this post meant to pressure you to do something that doesn’t feel right for you. I also realize how privileged we are to be able to move our bodies, and educate ourselves about wellness practices and health in general. But if you’re looking to make small shifts with a lifelong impact, any one of these habits will nudge us in the right direction.

Wishing you peace, purpose, and JOY today and every day. THANK YOU for being here with us!

XO, Kaylea

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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