The only box you need to pack

By Kaylea

Feb 28, 2017 | Blog

For about two months before the stork brought home, the crazy midwife (who was texting throughout my entire 23 hour labor) delivered, the arrival of our sweet Grey Mitchell Nixon, I had a “go bag” packed. It had all the necessities, or so I thought. As a first time mom, I had absolutely no idea what I needed and ended up packing a glam bag filled with HD makeup, a stylish Panama hat and one incredibly overpriced outfit that was three sizes too big for a brand new baby. Obviously, none of those things were used. I’m much better at packing a “go box” with all the essentials you need for your next move. Here they are:

A comfortable unpacking outfit for everyone in your family. If you’re like us, you get up from the closing table, shake hands with the attorney and bolt to the new house as fast as humanly possible. Chances are you’re in fancy work clothes and those just won’t do for heavy lifting (or pointing as I’m famous for).

Bathroom Bag. A roll of toilet paper, paper towels and hand soap. Even if you’re just starting the process and not sleeping there that night, you’ll use these. And a tip from the self-professed germaphobe – bring some lysol wipes for the seat.

Snacks. Because everyone gets hangry and there is nothing worse than an exhausted, over-worked, stressed-out hungry person. Especially family and friends who have been signed up for hard labor and no pay.

Paperwork. We keep a folder with all of the phone numbers, new house information, dog records and the like just in case. If God forbid an emergency happened during the move, you don’t want to have to rummage through dozens of boxes to find what you need.

A picnic dinner. Jon and I love laying a blanket out in the middle of our favorite room in the house and celebrating with a picnic dinner. Two homes ago, it was on the floor of our bedroom, with sleeping bags because we didn’t yet have a mattress, and we dined on Chocolate Pizza. For the new house, I packed Annie’s Mac & Cheese because let’s be honest, it’s easy and kid-friendly. I can’t wait to see what room we choose to picnic in this time around. And yes, the “go box” contains an old pot and 3 bowls. Don’t forget utensils!

Kid stuff. So far, Grey has taken this move like a champ. He’s his usually funny, energetic, sweet self and I am oh so thankful. But we’re not in the new house just yet. When we arrive, I want him to know he is home, safe, and everything is as normal as it can possibly be. So the box has a few of his favorite books and toys, his POTUS sippy cup and stuffed chameleon.

Pet Stuff. One of our dogs has epilepsy and takes three different medications twice a day. We cannot be without them, period. Those are first to be added to the big box, but we also throw in some treats to reward their good behavior throughout the moving process. There’s no fence at the new place, so we are packing a makeshift one until Jon gets a move on it the ground thaws and we can start digging. All you need are some heavy duty plastic stakes and chicken wire. We get it 4 feet high to ensure they can’t sneak out.

A memento from your last house. For me, it’s our Saint Joseph collection we’ve amassed from selling so many homes throughout the years. They are tiny little men, but hold a special meaning for me. When trying to sell your house, you recite a prayer, then bury your statue. Once sold, you’re supposed to dig it up and put it in a place of honor in your next home. Bringing them to the new house is a warm reminder of where we’ve been and how far we’ve come.

Valuables. Whether it be your watch collection, Grandmother’s engagement ring, or your Dad’s urn, do not let them out of your sight. We hear from clients all the time that boxes have mysteriously disappeared during a move and they’ve never seen them again. Imagine losing something so precious?

What items do you add to your “go bag”? Share with us below!



Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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