Sunday Scrolls: October Edition

By Kaylea

Oct 8, 2023 | Sunday Scrolls

I really missed you last week! But I realized that I also miss spending time developing new recipes and writing about a wealth of wellness topics that motivate us to dig deep in our well of joy. So from here on out, Scrolls will now be a jam-packed monthly edition and The Well of Joy will start showing up with more weekly well-being bites filled with meals, movement, and mindset topics we’re deep-diving into. Thank you for coming all this way to contribute to this community. We are so grateful to share this space with you! Without further ado, our October inspiration and intentions:


What’s for (Sunday) dinner! This immunity-boosting bowl of goodness reminds me of an asparagus soup my Grandma used to make for me in college. She would make big batches of soup, freeze them, and drive a van-load 2+ hours away to my first apartment 🥰. Don’t skimp on the ginger – it really up-levels all of those phenomenal layers of flavor!


Did you know that only 2% of people take the stairs when there is an escalator available? Here’s a way to make taking the stairs easier – and the best part? – this exercise has been proven to increase longevity, health span, and improve mobility overall.

Get ready for a doozy – this study found that people who performed better while climbing four flights of stairs were less at risk of dying from any cause. And this one tells us that the ability to climb stairs well reduces the risk of catastrophic accidents in older adults. Now we have more reasons (survival 😅) to get to stepping!


My intention for October is to start fresh and curate a routine that feels good – not forced, not obligatory, not necessarily one that’s worked in the past – but rather focusing on what works right now. I fully believe we repeatedly shed old layers, grow new ones, and it is so important to check in now and again and meet your (new) self where you are in that moment. I invite you to toggle through this slideshow and zoom in on a nugget or three that speak to you:


Our life-changing takeaways from our 2-month family roadtrip (and designing a life to do it more often).

How to Be More Spontaneous—and Why It Could Transform Your Life

Cozy-season extra soft (washer-friendly!) throw 😍

The rewards of being more humble.

What Happens to Your Kid’s Brain When You Yell at Them, According to a Neuropsychologist

The Mother Of Mindfulness Shares Her No. 1 Tip For A Happier, Healthier Life

If you need a new show, we have been loving this one!

Do you have autumn burnout?

For my fine hair friends 🙋🏼‍♀️, I swapped this set into our routine and this fine-haired family gives a 10/10 approval.

THIS is a game-changer for drinking water/ hard water/ over chlorinated tap water 🫣.

Love this idea, especially this time of year: Take the visitor’s approach to exploring your own city.

Your 30-Day Hormone Reset—A Transformative Plan to Feel Your Best

This looks fantastic – try this homemade tea for better sleep.

I can’t wait to share what we’re cooking up this week. Thank you for being a part of our well + joyful community. It’s so much more fun with you in it!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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