Sunday Scrolls: October 3rd

By Kaylea

Oct 3, 2021 | Sunday Scrolls, Uncategorized

I have a funny story about the “makeover” you see happening here. But first, Happy Sunday to you! As I put together Scrolls each week, I usually have a favorite section, one that tugged at me a little more than the others. This week it’s the links at the end. So many interesting finds! A close second would be the Churro Crispy Treats ?. I can’t wait to hear which one is calling your name. Thank you for spending some time in our corner today – we love seeing you!


  • ??4 cups of the (unbelievably delicious) @sietefoods churro chips. We grabbed two mega-sized bags from @costco and then went back for another. Highly addictive + delicious!
  • ?Melt 1-10 oz. bag of @mydandies minis on low heat + 1 T. of ? oil. The trick is, add 1 T. of water after about 3 minutes to help it melt best.
  • ?Mix your churro chips with the Dandies vegan marshmallows and tamp down in a greased container.
  • ? Freeze for half an hour.
  • ? Drizzle with @lilys_sweets melted white chocolate & serve!


I have an unbelievable page-turner for you next week, but I’m two chapters away from the end and I can’t recommend it until we know it’s worth your time. In the meantime, here are three of my all time favorites for personal growth. If you’re thinking of making a change in your life, big or small, start here:


Mel Robbins has a new book out, and I can’t wait to dive in. She has been doing the press circuit and is dropping new-to-us nuggets of wisdom that are so insightful, empowering, and impactful. If you don’t want to watch, and would rather listen, you can find the podcast version, here.


I love stumbling on a new-to-me podcast, and I’m hoping this one is new-to-you, too. They are bite-sized, digestible episodes that leave you feeling energized and thinking higher than you were before.


This first quote was a big one. I have become pretty mindful about what I consume food-wise, but when you think about it, everything mentioned below is just as important. What we “consume” seeps in and impacts us in different ways. Which quote in the slideshow were you needing most today?


Have you heard of neurohacking? This article on how to upgrade your brain with only 15 minutes a day was ?.

We updated our storefront with all of our tried & true favorites! The health shop has SO many gems!!

Attempting this today for Self Care Sunday ??. I have been “fermenting” for 3 days and I can’t wait to try it!

10 Things We Do That Annoy Servers. Jon is guilty of the first one in an effort to be helpful ?, no más!

This blazer is an investment, but a classic with a twist we could wear for many, many seasons ?.

We might carve one of our pumpkins early just to try this recipe ?.

How long it takes your body to wake up after a full night’s rest.

I miss the smell of a bookstore. The library isn’t quite the same. When is the last time you visited a book shop in real life?

Here is a fantastic STEM gift for any 6+ kids in your life.

If you’re feeling a pull for a seasonal shift, check out the 13 Most Chic Living Room Decor Ideas.

How to design a stress-free Sunday for a joyful (and productive) week.

10 Ways To Be More Confident At Work. Yes to #’s 8 and 9!!

Ever wonder how the 50 states became abbreviated? I had no idea it took all the way until 1973 to happen.

So the funny story I alluded to above: Grey has been asking all week to give me a makeover. He recently saw some pictures of me from my television days wearing more makeup than I do now and wanted to try his hand at it ?. Below is the result. But that's not the best part. Just as he's wrapping up this gift of glam, our sweet neighbor texts and asks for help putting the finishing touches on his suit for homecoming. Imagine seeing that face up close, straightening your tie, and telling you how handsome you look! 

An aside - he schooled us about homecoming "mums" (which I had never seen before), and if you're crafty, you need to go into this business - they are so fun, wildly expensive, and a huge part of southern culture! 

I hope you take time to be silly, thoughtful, and JOYful with your people today, and I wish you the most wonderful week ahead!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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