Sunday Scrolls: October 31st

By Kaylea

Oct 31, 2021 | Sunday Scrolls, Uncategorized

Happy Halloween, spooky Scroller! This is the first year we’ve dressed up as a family, at Grey’s insistence. We’re a mariachi band with a DΓ­a de los Muertos spin, and I’m taking bets if Jon puts it on again for trick or treating tonight πŸ˜†. If you’re in on the fun, I would love to hear about your costume in the comments! But first – we have the easiest Blender Bisque for you to try, a phenomenal book recommendation, poignant inspiration as we start a new month, and favorite finds of the week in the links at the bottom!


Anti-Inflammatory Blender Bisque
Click the link above for the full recipe and incredible health benefits!


I haven’t read much on the Civil War, and I think this novel has opened Pandora’s box for me on a whole new genre of books I’ve been missing out on. Sunflower Sisters takes you on a journey through the perspective of three women of vastly diverse circumstances in the midst of the Civil War. The sheer amount of research this incredible author must have done to prepare for this is jaw-dropping. The rotating point of view, the entwinement of the characters – the feelings she pulls out of you – outstanding. For me, this wasn’t a “fast” read, but a deeply moving one. 9.2 ⭐️


Add this to the movies I have watched expecting a comedy and being sorely mistaken. But look at these two headliners, you think comedy, right? Not this one. What I got instead was a story of hope, grace, resilience, and love. Trigger warnings for child loss and suicide 😩. I know, I set it up well here, didn’t I? But know this – I almost shut it off halfway through and went back to it the next night to finish because I cared so much about the fate of the characters. It was worth it!


You know that feeling when a friend tells you a good story? This felt like that. And made me laugh out loud. Except the bill amount at the end 😳. Something different from my usual podcast lineup!



The common belief that steals our joy.

Anything embroidered takes it up a notch. How sweet is this sweater? And I love this one for my New York friends!

Here is the nutritional yeast we use (for the blender bisque above and a ton of other recipes). I know it sounds gross, but the taste is πŸ€—πŸ€©! It’s also packed to the brim with complete protein, vitamins and minerals, fiber, and immunity boosters!

Jon thought I was nuts for doing this πŸ˜†. How often we should be changing our pillowcases, according to a derm.

I’ve been adding a teaspoon of this to our smoothie bowls – it’s a powerful anti-inflammatory, immune booster, and is great for natural collagen production for skin and hair health!

Awkward texts kids have gotten from their parents πŸ˜…. I feel like I could add a few to this list. You too?

I love the idea of experience gifts > physical objects.

Talk about marriage goals. I love everything about this sweet article.

For friends who like to cook – how dreamy would this look on the counter? I’d love it for my blenderista boosters we add to our smoothies 🀩.

And while we’re containing things in beautiful jars – I love the quality of these…and the price!

Getting the most bang for our buck – plant based eating. This was helpful!

The “best banana bread recipe on the internet”. Have you tried this one?

How to be there for someone in grief.

Have the happiest Halloween with your people! We're leaving a pumpkin on the porch with a "take one" sign filled with the usual candy plus some non-food treats for the kiddos with allergies. Do you think the honor system will work or will they take more than one? πŸ˜†

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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