Sunday Scrolls: October 18th

By Kaylea

One week in to our new chapter and I have an abundance of gratitude for this move. It’s funny, many of the stereotypes I’d heard from people (who don’t live in Texas) before we moved, don’t seem true at all. It’s so green and lush here! The variation in the trees and their beauty stops me in my tracks. And it’s hilly! I was told it was crispy, brown, and flat. Something that you might have heard about Southern charm however, is indeed true. So far, the people are warm and inviting. The nurses at my doctor’s office call me darlin’, and the ma’am’s and sir’s feel like a warm hug rather than an old lady jab. One neighbor made us a bouquet and another brought us a bottle of wine. Much to my dismay, I’ve only seen one cowboy hat, and I sure as heck hope there are more to come.

We’re still unpacking, sitting on boxes for supper, and not one picture is hung (scroll down for what’s going up first!). I blame our slacking on the pool – definitely a far cry from what the past seven moves looked like. Thank you for being here and reading through our favorite finds of the week! I hope you love the Try It links as much as we did!

Make It.

Oh She Glows! And who doesn’t want to glow from the inside out? These (One Bowl!) Pumpkin Chocolate Muffins had Grey’s name all over them and we thoroughly enjoyed whipping them up together over the weekend. Have you made an Angela Liddon recipe before? Me neither. She’s an incredible vegan chef with a focus on delicious, healthy recipes and healing through food. Thanks to my Madre for shipping her cookbooks to me as an early birthday gift, I am now a big time fan. This one is my favorite so far, and I can’t wait to delve into this one, and whip these up this winter!

Read It.

This is the type of read I have been longing for. The suck you in and spit you out hours later, after you’ve been enveloped by a twisty plot line and layered characters; a take you to a far-off place kind of book. The kind where you immediately need to text a friend who has read it too, and commiserate about the ending. I’m your gal, and I think you’re going to love it. 9.5/10.

Watch It.

If there was ever a week that reminded us how important it is to live for the moment, and make now plans instead of someday plans, it was this one. Immediately adding the Maldives to the top of our list, and will be saving every penny to make it happen in the meantime. Goal: by (one of our) 40th birthdays. Jon is three years older and he is turning the big 4-0 in 2.3 years so we better start planning! ((The unlimited, complimentary chocolate room though)) ?.

Feel It.

This lesson keeps coming up for me in various ways. I set such a high standard for myself, and many times, I’m guilty of holding others to the high bar as well. I’m committed to working on managing my expectations, and parenting differently so I don’t put those perfectionism stressors on Grey. If you follow the enneagram, I’m a 3w2, so I don’t think there’s much I can do to change my Achiever DNA, but I can manage it to a degree, and definitely work to manage my expectations from others.

Try It.

Hanging these pieces today and they are even better in real life than the images I swooned over for years. Thankfully, Jon indulges my quirky design choices. I think they’ll grow on him!

Jon and I waited 10 years before having Grey; and the “when are you having kids?” question came up at least weekly from friends and strangers during that stretch. Not to mention, the #bumpwatch speculation left me in tears many times over when people judged weight fluctuations as baby on board. While we ultimately decided to expand our family, I have so much respect for people who decide it’s not for them. This week I read two separate (beautifully written) articles about being childfree by choice, and the impact it has on women and their partners. From a couples perspective, and also a single woman.

Remember how Abercrombie used to pump heavy cologne out of the vents of the store and into the mall? I have no idea if they still do that, but what I do know is they have some fabulous jackets right now. I haven’t shopped there since I was a tween, but I clicked a link for a jacket I loved and lo and behold, Abercrombie! Also, the kids section ? – grabbing this for the (not so) little man and wish they made it in my size too!

Are you guilty of boredom eating? (My hand is held high). Here’s how to stop it once and for all.

But first ?…we have been eating off melamine outdoor plates for as long as I can remember (no complaints, they are so functional!), but for this house, we treated ourselves to a real set. Enter this matte black stoneware with matching pasta bowls. The quality is next-level and they are dishwasher and microwave-safe! 5⭐️

Have you been taking care of your heart? 5 heart-healthy foods we need to eat more of this season.

A fantastic interview with one of my favorite interior designers.

Please make a Costco (or Target) run and grab the Bitchin’ dip in the refrigerated aisle before we eat it all. It is next level good. I use it as a dip with gluten free crisps, and tried it this morning drizzled on avocado toast. The best!!

I hope you enter this new week with big love in your heart, delicious food in your body, and kindness for yourself and others. I think you are amazing and I'm grateful to count you as a friend! 

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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  1. Janis king

    Love your posts!!

    • nixonpack

      Love ya, Janis!! Thank you for always being so supportive!!

  2. Maureen Doyle

    Your posts are the best. So happy you are enjoying your move.

    • nixonpack

      Maureen – you have no idea how much it means to me that you take time to stop by and say hello! THANK YOU!!

  3. Shirley

    Thanks for the article on boredom eating. It’s just what I needed to see this week.

    • nixonpack

      Hi Shirley!! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read! A big hug to you ??

  4. Danielle

    Angela Liddon is amazing and a total trailblazer for plant based recipe creation! I’ve been following her blog since 2011 and adore her cookbooks. I was a recipe tester for her newest cookbook, Oh She Glows For Dinner and the recipes are outrageously good! You need to make the taco salad and Oh Canada Maple spiced Torte! Also, her delicata squash salad with lemon tahini dressing in one of her earlier books is my fave! We love those muffins. Hope you guys enjoy texas. We used to live an hour south west of New Orleans and there is nothing like southern charm!

    • nixonpack

      I agree, Danielle, the southern charm is the best! Thank you so much for sharing your go-to’s – I will add them to the top of our list! What an incredible experience that must have been to be a recipe tester and see them first! I much prefer a real paper cookbook to using my phone and I have had so much fun exploring her creations. Thank you for being the catalyst for this wonderful gift!

  5. judith schleicher

    I am so happy you are enjoying your new home. I admire you for having the strength to take off to basically somewhere unknown to continue your great life. I love the articles I am sure I will be very jealous when February rolls around and I am being tired of snow and you are taking walks in 50 degree weather. Looking forward to seeing more pictures of your new home. If the pool is any indication of your property, it must be pretty great. Good luck to you and your beautiful family.

    • nixonpack

      Hi Judith! Thank you for your note today! Jon and I always talk about the fact that there are so few surprises in life, and this felt like a great adventure we had to take advantage of. I am so thankful he shares my gypsy spirit; and that Grey is well-adjusted and transitions beautifully as long as we are together. Hoping to put down roots this time! Thank you again and hope you are well!!

  6. Kathleen Joyce

    So excited to read about your adventures and discoveries in Texas! What a great new chapter for all of you!! Wishing you love, health, happiness, and lots of joy always!! ??

  7. Kathleen Joyce

    So excited to read about your adventures and discoveries in Texas! What a great new chapter for all of you!! Wishing you love, health, happiness, and lots of joy always!! ??

    • nixonpack

      Kathleen – you have the most wonderful gift of always finding a way to brighten the day of those around you! We are so thankful for your kind words and love today!! Have a tremendous week, sweet friend! And a hug to Mama Joyce please!

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