Sunday Scrolls: November Edition

By Kaylea

Nov 5, 2023 | Sunday Scrolls

Your time is so precious and knowing that makes curating each Sunday Scrolls that much sweeter. I so enjoy wading through the inter webs to source the really juicy nuggets – only zoning in on the tiny, delicious tidbits in hopes of awakening, exciting and inspiring us all. November is such a nesting month, a month of gratitude and togetherness and quiet blessings. It’s also World Vegan Month and “Good Nutrition Month” (amongst many others!) – we’re here for all of it and you’ll find the gamut inside. Come on in!


Boy have I missed crafting new smoothie recipes to share. Over the past several weeks we’ve been taste-testing new boosters, protein options, and ways to sneak in more veggies that even the most discerning tastebuds won’t catch. Here’s one of our favorite recent combos for protein, aminos, digestion, and a zing of energy to start the day! This makes a blender-full with 4 servings:

The consistency churns out smooth and ice-creamy! Come back for another cleansing combo this week to help detoxify and renew.

Looking ahead to the holidays, how sweet are these cookie tins for gifting holiday treats?! It’s the handle for me. I think these would be perfect for a thoughtful neighbor drop-off, maybe your book club, or to have on hand if someone surprises you unexpectedly and you want to return the gesture.

And this Vegan Thanksgiving Wrap recipe is going to be on repeat all month long – it is exceptional!

Also, if you’re looking for holiday sides – how gorgeous is this Butternut Squash Tart (+ 14 other squash sides) 😍.


Have you seen Grow With Jo? I love her energy and how effective (and EASY) her workouts are. If you feel like you need to switch things up and bang out a quick session – try one of these free YouTube videos. I have been focused on less strict, more fun, and weaving workouts in wherever they fit. It’s a busy season but our vessel thrives on movement!

Speaking of making exercise fun – Grey discovered Cosmic Kids Yoga and we have been loving the experience of stories + movement each morning. I love the way the host weaves mindfulness into each session (and it’s a great workout to boot!).


What has been filling your cup lately? A reminder that when we actively seek the good and surround ourselves with people, places and things that spark JOY, we alert our Reticular Activating System to look for more of the same. Good begets good!


Deliciously soft fuzzy socks. Wearing them with these beauties. I don’t care if it’s a fashion faux pas 🫣.

How To Up Your Nutrition Through Fall Produce, According to a Registered Dietitian

Rainy Day Rx to get back to your well + joyful self 🌦

Someone please buy these darling letters for your holiday display! We have a family motto of “one Penske” to fit everything in one moving truck when we move, and I’m trying not to add to the boxes. But these are too sweet!

40 Things to Do in November That’ll Make It Your Coziest Month Yet.

Wellbeing bites of the week 🥰.

A friend sent me this book on Ayurveda and I have learned so many ancient wellness nuggets! If you’re a beginner like me, this guide has been a wealth of information and spells out all of the protocols and practices so beautifully!

5 Ways To Wake Up With More Energy, According To Research & Sleep Experts.

This Gut-Critical Carb Is Massively Under-Consumed—Do You Get Enough?

20 Healthy Salty Snacks That Totally Hit the Spot When You’re Hangry.

A review of the most popular books on BookTok.

A different take on adult friendships, and how to seek out specificity.

Does That Crisper Drawer Even Do Anything?

New Research Shows How To Reduce Your Biological Age Up To 11 Years

Absolutely dreamy – the 12 Most Stunning National Parks in the U.S.

Thank you for stopping by! Please drop us a note and let us know which well + joyful nugget jumped out at you today. We 💙 hearing from you!

warm hugs + big gratitude,

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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