Sunday Scrolls: November 29th

By Kaylea

Nov 29, 2020 | Sunday Scrolls, Uncategorized

How was your Thanksgiving?? We did not eat a single “Thanksgiving” dish. In fact, we had kale soup for dinner ?. But I have to say, despite spending the night before in the emergency room with Grey (he got a concussion and although incredibly scary, is fine now thank goodness!), it was one of the best Thanksgivings we have had. It was filled with gratitude, some small projects around the house, and soaking in the sunshine as we played in the sandbox outside. We hope yours brought joy in whatever form it came in this year! On that note – the most scrumptious Scrolls of the week!

Make It.

We’re getting into the spirit of the holidays with an easy craft. This one is super simple, affordable, and would make for a really fun gift, especially for family you won’t be able to see for Christmas.

You need:

Watch It.

It was a week of Christmas moves in casa de Nixon. In fact, I just read that Netflix is releasing 100 new shows and movies between now and the end of December! The first is borderline cheesy Hallmark special, but to be honest, still adorable, and the perfect movie to wind down with at the end of the day. The second is a fantastic family flick to snuggle up with on the sofa. I am all aboard the Goldie & Kurt train! They are such a sweet couple!

Read It.

They had me at the title – I need this, that’s me! ??‍♀️. But it wasn’t at all what I was expecting. This is a story of heartbreak, love, intimate stories of the inner-workings of people and their relationships – mixed in with a bank robbery/ hostage situation. It is another page-turner and so thoughtfully written you won’t be able to put it down. Watching the uncovering of the truth, on many levels, was so fantastically done and a solid 9/10 ⭐️!

Listen To It.

New to Scrolls this week – a Listen To It feature inspired by Jon. He always finds the best songs to share with me, often ones I haven’t heard before. This happens to be one of my favorite country songs – and bonus, it’s a duet with (throwback!) Boyz2Men. They have the dreamiest voices and I have played it on repeat all week.

Feel It.

Oooh I saved so many good nuggets over the past few days, it was too difficult to share just one. Which square resonates with you the most? For me, it’s the love for small shops, and the support from strangers.

Try It.

After I read this, I added it to my calendar immediately. We can’t miss this! It hasn’t happened since the Middle Ages!

This holiday top far exceeded my expectations. The quality looks so much more expensive than the price tag!

If you need the reminder like I do – 4 Reasons to Ditch Perfectionism For Good!

I love an opportunity to support a new Etsy shop! I ordered one of these handmade beanies for Grey and it is gorgeous.

Speaking of, these are incredible – 11 Etsy Shops That Got Their Start This Year.

I ordered this for Grey for Christmas, and I cannot wait to use it with him!!

If you like a good Mule like I do, you have to try this recipe for the holidays!

Need a self-care Sunday? Treat yourself to this and this. The scalp massage/ clarifying combo was just what I needed to re-boot my locks before a new week. And since I haven’t been to a salon in many moons, it was the next best thing.

Have you seen this Christmas tree trend? I love the gold!

These home styling tips are ?, especially art in unexpected places.

Adidas is having a major site-wide sale and 30% off with code CYBER. This pair (I have in a hi-top) is my favorite in my closet right now, and I am also swooning for these.

These two factors are proven to increase your motivation to exercise.

And if you need a new workout, the plan Jon and I use is free this week (you can always find some of their exercises free on YouTube). I love their energy, encouragement, and enthusiasm. A trick I use a lot when I’m not feeling that motivated is I start saying thank you to different body parts. “Thank you heart, for pumping strong and allowing me to do this today. Thank you knee, for healing after surgery and helping me to make you stronger.”

Thank you for coming over today. Your notes and time spent in this cozy corner of the internet brightens our day like being wrapped up by the fire with a good book and mug of tea. We hope you have the best rest of your day!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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