Sunday Scrolls: November 22nd

By Kaylea

Nov 22, 2020 | Sunday Scrolls, Uncategorized

Hello, kind friend. Thank you for coming over today and spending a little time with us. It’s not lost on me that you stop by each week and say hello – we are so grateful for that connection with you! We have a scrumptious Scrolls for you today – a delicious reader recipe perfect for a Thanksgiving appetizer, the sweetest show to get you in the holiday spirit, and a record number of fun finds at the bottom to inspire you for the week ahead!

Make It.

Whenever a friend takes the time to send me a recipe, I know it must be good. But when that friend has owned a restaurant, I know it must be really good. If you’re looking for an appetizer to make for Thanksgiving, or just for family movie night – this Bean Dip is the real deal. Special thanks to longtime reader (and fabulous lady!) Janis King for sending this over!


1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
3/4 cup olive oil
1 can of black beans 
1 can of White Shirley Corn
1 can Sylvia’s Black Eyed Peas
1/2 red onion (chopped fine)
2 stalks celery chopped
Small jar of banana peppers
Handful of hot and a handful of mild chopped peppers
Rinse corn, beans & black eyed peas
Mix all together & chill overnight
Serve with tortilla chips

Watch It.

It’s been 75 and sunny here in Dallas this fall (which I am not even close to complaining about), but when you still have flowers blooming in the yard, it can make it hard to get into the holiday spirit when it comes to decorating outside. This show was a fun new find this week. I love how creative they are when it comes to Christmas decor. Be careful though, Jon and I both turned to each other thinking of new ideas to up our game.

Read It.

I love a powerful female narrative and this was so beautifully told. The historical aspect of the story is something I learned about as a Spanish major in school, but the way in which Cleeton described life in Cuba helped me feel like I lived it. Each sentence felt heavy, but in the most moving, wonderful way. Cleeton writes with such heart, passion, and pride. This novel was 10/10 outstanding for me ⭐️.

Feel It.

Apparently by definition, I am an introvert. Jon too. Which surprised me and maybe you too. Because as I’m learning you can be outgoing, but also stricken with anxiety, riddled with overthinking, overwhelmed with social settings and strangers…and about a million other introvert nuances. If you feel that way too, you’re not alone. And even if that isn’t you, chances are you have an introvert in your family. Let’s start by giving them a little grace this week and especially with the holiday season, which may be especially hard this year ?

Try It.

My grandparents had a huge silo on their farm, and growing up I always wished I could make it into a play house. This guy made it happen for his real life silo house!

Getting this for Jon for his birthday in a few weeks. Bonus: on mega sale and reversible! Don’t worry, I have another idea that’s not a sweater ?.

This is a must-do with your houseplants, it really works and is so simple to do!

5 Reasons to Compliment Strangers – Jon tells me it’s a little cringey when I do this, but I love it (and only do it when I genuinely feel it so that it comes off as sincere!).

I’ve never watched The Bachelor, but have a lot of friends who are longtime fans. Look what just popped up on Airbnb – The Bachelor mansion. ?

My very favorite Levis are on sale for Black Friday – I size up a size for better fit!

These vintage boards from a sweet Etsy shop. They make any appetizer more fancy when we have guests over, but also for elevating date night in, and even for Grey’s lunch to make veggies more fun.

You know sleep is good for you. But did you know it’s so good it can cut your risk of heart failure by more than 40%?!

I usually use this powder to fill in my brows (a staple of mine for 2 years and counting!), but I stumbled upon this little diddy and I am shook by how much easier it is!

Boredom for kids is a must, it’s just not that easy on parents to hear the dreaded, “I’m boooored”, amIright?

How to say no to anything this holiday season. Mostly the part about releasing guilt ?.

We hope you have the most delicious, peaceful, loving Thanksgiving. I know it will feel different this year. We're sending you a hug and hoping you find joy in the celebration, however the day turns out!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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