Thank you for making Scrolls a part of your Sunday morning. I love spending a few minutes with you chatting about our favorite finds, good living inspiration and joyful nuggets. Will you do me a favor and share the best part of your week in the comments? I would love to hear! In the meantime, we have an easy swap for your breakfast rut, a *must read* growth mindset book, and a new to us podcast I know you’ll find interesting!:
Apple Oatmeal Smoothie Bowl
If you have an introvert in your life, are one yourself (even a small percentage) – please consider reading Quiet.
A friend of mine handed me this book and said, you need to read this. This is you. And I don’t remember the last time I felt so seen. Quiet is a fascinating look at the differences between introverts and extroverts; how the world sees them, and how they see themselves. I cannot tell you how many aha moments I felt deeply whilst reading, and how impactful it has been for me since. It is impeccably written, easily digestible, phrased in a way I had not been able to understand before, and just a gift to know myself on another level, and know I’m not alone. You are “different” in the most incredible ways. You are “normal”. You are a treasure to everyone lucky enough to know you!
10/10 ⭐️
Have you heard of the Wim Hof method? We have been doing his breathing meditation in our bathroom while everyone gets ready in the morning and it sets such a good tone for the day. But I didn’t know much more about Wim than that, until Jon put on this documentary for us one night. It is incredibly interesting, inspiring, and will motivate you to try something new, or at the very least, look at your health and life through a new lens!
The Decoder Ring kept popping up in my feed of top ranking podcasts so I had to check it out. Essentially, the hosts dig down a deep rabbit hole of cultural mysteries, and you can find out anything from the way-back drama at the Oprah show, how the meaning of tattoos has changed, and “The Invention of Hydration”:

We adore reading The Questioneers series with Grey. The latest book is fantastic!! And from another favorite series – we scooped up The Smart Cookie – both are a big hit!
A new study linking these healthy fats to longevity!
This Hasselback squash side looks scrumptious. Let’s place bets on if it will turn out as pretty as the photo 😜.
A guide to Thanksgiving everything.
One of my favorite follows on Tiktok or the ‘gram. He gives so many good nuggets!
Love these simple ideas to get us in the holiday spirit.
A sneak peek at Target’s Black Friday deals. Do you shop that day or skip it?
Speaking of, here is a fun Nordstrom find, already reduced for Black Friday – under $20 and would make a great gift for a girlfriend, or stocking stuffer!
I wish I could keep my nails nice for long enough to have something fun like this 😆. We can still swoon over this inspo anyway!
The Top 10 vegan recipes of the year, according to MBG.
The Property Brothers say these are the two worst colors to paint your walls. Agree or disagree?
Have you heard about the Magnolia Workshops??
One of the most inflammatory foods (and it’s hidden in so many dishes 😩).
Great advice on tough conversations.
You might have seen a great suggestion or two popping up on Scrolls from my friend Deanna - she has the most original finds! We've been working on compiling some of the most unique, outside of the box, incredible, small business gifts for everyone in your life. I can't tell you how excited I am to share it with you next week! Until then, I hope this week brings you health, abundance, and JOY! 💙
Bobby & I finished putting the stuff away for winter. Getting the Christmas shopping done, hopefully before Thanksgiving! Hope you have a great SundayFunday!