A joyful hello to you, fellow Sunday Scroller! We’re so happy to be with you today. This post is filled to the brim – one of my very favorite books (dare I say top 5 in my fiction must-reads), a fantastic banana split bite recipe, and loads of our favorite finds from a truly splendid week:
Make It.
Funny story about dates. Grey was 10 days overdue and I was willing to try anything and everything to induce labor. One of the articles I read said to eat dates. So Jon went to Costco and bought a big tub of them, and I sat at the counter stuffing as many as I could into my face. It was the first time I’d ever tried one and I found them to be repugnant. But it’s funny how things change, isn’t it? Like being force-fed brussels sprouts as a kid and now you love them. If you’re looking for a healthier alternative to sweets, chances are the recipe uses dates, and thank my lucky stars, I’ve learned to love them. They truly taste like actual caramel by the time we’re done with this. Ready?!
If you’re craving ice cream, or any kind of summertime treat – we’ve got you. These are next level delicious and only take a few easy steps! First, pick up some fresh dates. You want them a little squishy and not hard. You’ll need about 8 to make the “caramel”, but I ended up doing the whole package because I LOVE keeping the leftover date caramel in the fridge to put on GF graham crackers, or rice cakes. You’ll also need cacao nibs or chocolate chips (with a teaspoon of coconut oil to melt), a frozen banana, and your nut butter of choice (we used Nutzo). That’s it!
- Step 1: Use a food processor or blender to zhush your dates (make sure you remove the pits first!). Some people like it to be pure dates and just use a little water to help it along. I did a drizzle of agave nectar since our cacao nibs were sugar free and I wanted a hint of sweetness. Then, scoop out and set aside.
- Step 2: Slice a frozen banana in 1/2 inch sections.
- Step 3: Spray a muffin tin.
- Step 4: Melt 1/2 cup of chocolate chips with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil.
- Step 5: Start layering! Lay the banana slices down in each muffin tin, then your nut butter, then your caramel. Drizzle the top of each with the melted chocolate and top with sea salt flakes!
- Step 6: Pop in the freezer to set & enjoy! They last in the freezer for a month, but I promise you’ll gobble them up before then.
PS – it was not the dates that induced labor. It ended up being the most delicious spicy Mexican food I’d ever had in Chicago ?.
Watch It.
This is an oldie, but a goodie. We found it in the Top 10 by Netflix suggestions and I was kind of shocked we hadn’t seen it when it came out back in 2011. Perhaps it’s some subliminal game they’re playing with us since he’s toying with a gubernatorial run here in Texas ?. Twists, turns, great acting, and a nice little legal thriller!

Read It.
Lately my marker for how good a book is, is how late I’m willing to stay up to read it ?. I like to be asleep by 9pm every night to allow my body to wake on its own around 4am. But this one! I couldn’t put it down, and stayed up, wide-eyed, until the very last page. The Book of Longings is not at all what I was expecting, and yet, it came at a time when I was needing it the most. It is the most wondrous fictional what if story of Jesus. His life, and the people in it, re-imagined. It is told to us from the perspective of his wife, what it was like for women in that time, and the story of their love. Sue Monk Kidd is so deeply talented. This felt so real that it made you think about so many things in a different light. I know you will love this one. 9.8/10 ⭐️

Listen to it.
Dr. Shefali Tsabary hands-down changed the way I look at parenting. If you like this podcast episode and are looking for more from her, I highly suggest reading both of these – my favorite gift for any new parent, or caregivers who are looking for a shift in perspective.

Feel It.
Try It.
Tips to make your salads taste infinitely better.
We just updated our amazon storefront with all of our favorites – fit fam essentials, smoothie shop, home decor & more! Thank you for supporting the Pack!!
I saw these on a mom at the park and wowowow do they fit beautifully. I have two pairs of their leggings; one I bought in my usual size, the other pair I bought the next size up – definitely buy the next size up (comfort for the win!).
This house tour blew me away. The fact that it’s a new build, and yet has so much charm, character, feeling, is incredible. Stunning!
If you have a man in your life who has any kind of foot issues – Jon swears by these. So much so, they are quite literally the only shoe he wears. every. day. Apparently they have the best support, comfort, and longevity ??.
Are these the most decadent ice cream sandwiches you’ve ever seen?
This outdoor daybed is calling my name. Grey and I love to read under the magnolias and all we’re missing is a nap after ?.
Learning to interrupt anxious thoughts.
The most aesthetically pleasing tea/ spice jars to sit atop your counter!
Let’s get a piping hot mug of tea and sit here and breathe in all this beauty ?.
What to say to your teen instead of “how was school”?
If you’re looking to add new boosters to your smoothies, we shared our favorites here, along with all of the incredible health benefits of each!
Some snaps from our weekend so far. Grey went to a special after school camp at his gym and we snuck away for a quick date night - our first solo dinner in more than a year. We ate at 4:30pm ?. What a treat to have uninterrupted conversation! We missed him, though, and felt thankful to be home in time for reading before bed. We hope your weekend was filled with purpose, joy, and lots of love!