Sunday Scrolls: May 21st

By Kaylea

May 21, 2023 | Sunday Scrolls

Do you ever wish you could slow down time? Same. And this week I read an interesting little factoid about how to do it. As it turns out, when you get comfortable in a routine, time feels like it speeds up. Hours become days become weeks become months. Then you blink and years have passed, and you can’t remember how you actually spent them. So to trick your brain into really savoring today, do something unexpected. Say yes to a spontaneous invitation, drive a different route to the store, cook something new and delicious. And on that note, I’m hoping today’s Scrolls brings you something fresh, out of our usual box, and ignites and inspires you for the week ahead!


In the past few years I’ve become hyper-aware of the hidden additives in the foods we eat, and have been making more of an effort to learn to make something at home, versus buying the packaged version. Veggie burgers have always been a tough one (and there are great store-bought options like Dr. Pragers and Hilary’s) because they are just so much easier to buy, than to make. But I’m bound and determined to win this battle, and weave more whole, nutrient-dense, protein-rich foods into our diets where we know exactly where they came from, and the quality of the ingredients inside. This recipe is fantastic, and I love that it’s freezer-friendly!


I’ve noticed that when I stop weight training, within a few weeks I can not only feel the loss of muscle mass, I can also see it. But I don’t always have access to weights, or the time to do a daily training session. This week I challenged myself to a squat challenge – building on both reps and intensity each day. I’m going to carry it into next week and invite you to join me! Even starting at 5 squats and building from there is a fantastic start. Look at all of the science-backed benefits we get from this simple exercise!



Healthy Summer Travel Hacks to Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check.

This spray is some kind of miracle for all types of skin irritations/ conditions – a go-to for everything from sunburns to pimples to scratches. 10/10!

The Secret to Becoming a Morning Person 🤩.

How to Deal With Tech Neck When You Look at Screens All Day

Eating Your Vegetables Is as Good as Walking 4,000 More Steps, New Study Says.

And here are three I use daily in our smoothies (you’d never guess!).

A fun sunny shape and a fantastic price!

This Ted Talk on changing your mindset was 💯.

On the professional power of decisiveness.

The most beautiful small towns in the world – absolute jaw-droppers 😍.

An Expert’s Simple Tips to Make Your Home Healthier (and on a budget!)

Love this easy summer set as a cover-up, and it isn’t see-through if you keep it on post-swim!

I would love it if you’d leave a comment today to share something new you learned, or something exciting you’re planning for the week ahead 💙. This community is so inspiring and insightful and I love hearing what sparks joy for you!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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