Sunday Scrolls: May 1st

By Kaylea

May 1, 2022 | Sunday Scrolls

Maybe it’s the chocolate covered bread, or one of the best books I’ve read in a long while; perhaps it could be our favorite series ending, or inspiration as we start a new month. Either way you stack it, this edition of Scrolls is super scrumptious and I can’t wait to serve it to you wherever you find yourself today! Speaking of – we just sent out our May motivation newsletter. If you missed it, check your spam, and if you’d like a copy, leave your email address in the comments and I’ll get it right over to you. I have SO loved connecting with you, even chatting with a friend of the Pack in Finland. What a gift! Thank you for Scrolling with us! πŸ’™


CHOCOLATE-COVERED ZUCCHINI BREAD (vegan, gluten-free, refined sugar-free!)
  • 2.5 cups of GF oat flour (I make my own by blending sprouted oats in the blender for a full minute. Be sure to get it extra-fine)
  • 1/2 t. baking soda + 1 t. baking powder
  • 1 t. cinnamon & a few shakes of sea salt
  • 4 t. ground flax seeds + 1/4 cup of water – mixed well and left to set while you add the other ingredients
  • 1/3 cup melted coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup maple sugar
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup (don’t go heavy-handed or it’s too liquid-y)
  • 1 t. mexican vanilla
  • 2 zucchinis (shredded, or blended – I like to zhuzsh mine in the blender for a few seconds, then let them rest to drain the excess water)
  • Mix delicately but thoroughly together (one bowl works!), and pour into greased loaf pan. ((You can add anything you like here – walnuts for brain health, chocolate chips, etc))
  • Bake for 325 for 60 minutes (check a few minutes before in case your oven is faster than mine).
  • We melted HU vegan chocolates on top, sprinkled walnuts with a twist of sea salt, and it was divine!


Ozark is one of those series I have become incredibly attached to (who doesn’t adore Marty Byrde?!) and will be so sad to say goodbye. We just started the beginning of the end and despite trying to savor every scene, I wouldn’t be surprised if we finished by the end of tonight πŸ˜…. What do we think? Will the Byrde family survive the series finale?! If you haven’t yet started this one – I assure you it will not disappoint!


My heart broke a little with each page of We Begin At The End. You know with a thriller or mystery, it will be delicious in its own way, a page-turner that keeps you wanting more, but the writing falls short of extraordinary? This novel is quite the opposite. It is as if every word is so carefully cherry-picked that you can’t help but pause and cherish the way the author chooses to unwrap the story for you. It is both gut-wrenching, and tinged with hope; doomed, and enthralling. If you have been waiting for a remarkable read – this is it. I cannot wait for you to curl up with this one. We can cry together! An outstanding 9.7 ⭐️


This interview was the most eye-opening podcast I consumed this week. I take full advantage of our daily dog walks and listen to everything from conversations in Spanish to the brain-gut connection, growth mindset motivation, neuroscience, longevity, and mom hacks. In this episode, the founder of MBG spoke with a parenting expert who traveled the world to see how people parent in different countries. As in many ways, the polarities between how we parent in America versus everywhere else she spent time researching – was nothing short of astounding. I have already put several of her tips into practice and can feel a difference!



I waited a few washes to be sure before sharing – this dress is surprisingly awesome from Amazon. A ton of kind compliments and super comfortable!

My favorite addition to every flower pot. It brings the drama!

Grey once staged a protest in front of the lobster tank at Wegmans 😳. Maybe I could add “save the” on the top left? This cardigan would be so pretty for summer.

Organic maple sugar we used in the recipe above. My mom turned me onto it and it is scrumptious. Check your local farmer’s market, too!

103 pieces of life advice from a 70 year old. My favorite: “We tend to overestimate what we can do in a day, and underestimate what we can achieve in a decade. Miraculous things can be accomplished if you give it ten years.”

Do you send voice notes? After reading this, I want to start!

Butterflies always remind me of my Gram. Love the look of this layered set πŸ¦‹.

Our favorite pan is on sale (This would make an incredible gift for Mom!)

And this vase 😍. How often do you see a fantastically lovely vase anymore??

6 ways to raise a financially responsible kid – I wish they taught this in school when I was young.

I know it’s about the latte recipe, but I can’t stop admiring the mug 😍.

In case you’re in the market for a Trader Joe’s run

Adorable: 52 Funny Mom Jokes that Will Have Her Cracking Up.

We ordered from a new Thai place this week just to try sticky rice with mango. It was next-level scrumptious. Going to try this recipe!

Have you ever heard of a Strength-Specialist Astrologer? Me neither. But this was fun (and surprisingly on point for me!): How To Exercise for Your Zodiac Sign, According to a Strength-Specialist Astrologer.

Have a peaceful, purposeful, playful week. You deserve it 😍. XO, Kaylea

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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