Sunday Scrolls: May 14th

By Kaylea

May 13, 2023 | Sunday Scrolls

I joked when we moved to McKinney that we traded one Windy City for another. The pocket of Texas we live in feels like someone has a Costco-sized fan blowing in your face at all times (never a good hair day in these parts 😅). But this week in particular, it smells like Heaven. All of the magnolias are in full bloom and no matter where you go, that sweet fragrance follows. What a gift! Speaking of, inside we have some real treats today – sweet & savory brunch ideas – a gentle movement reminder we all need – and some big feelings that happen before a major shift. We’re so glad you’re here!


What I wouldn’t give to have beautiful food photography skills like this talented gal 🤤. I have so much fun whipping up new recipes, and when I want to share a picture, it never does it justice. Here are a few swoon-worthy ideas for your Sunday brunch – which one is catching your eye? I just picked up all of the ingredients for the Savory Asparagus Galette, but I may stretch the crust and do a two-fer with the Blackberry Galette for dessert. It was that, or the Vegan Apple Cinnamon French Toast Casserole!


I missed a few of my Team Body Project sessions this week. And as those guilty feelings started bobbing and weaving their way into my mind, I told myself what I would tell a client, and amazingly, it worked. Show up however you’re able to each day, because all that matters is, you 💪🏼 show💪🏼 up 💪🏼.

Moving your body consistently can look like gardening one day, a brisk neighborhood walk the next, a pilates class, or a bike ride. It doesn’t have to be a rigorous weight lifting schedule (unless that’s your jam!), or a daily 5K. You’ll stay consistent with movement if you find ways to have fun; because when you look forward to something, you’re so much more likely to show up (and that’s where the change juice is).

On that note, some of my walking inspo this week, along with new research to back it up. And I loved this tidbit and 💯 agree!


There’s a big theme in the slideshow below that has hit me hard lately – in a good way. So good, in fact, we’re about to embark on some major shifts, and take you along for the ride! Which one resonates with you the most?


We started watching The Reluctant Traveler with Eugene Levy and it is a spectacular mix of wanderlust, humor, humanity and joy. Loved the Utah episode best so far and want to watch The Maldives next 😍.

An all veggie smoothie that tastes like cake?! Scrumptious. You have my word!

My best gal’s birthday is tomorrow and I sent her a copy of this new book. We both loved The Happiness Project, and early reviews say her new one is even better!

I’ve seen this a few times, and cry every time. This man is an angel 🙏🏻.

My go-to for hot summer days where you’re outside and active. You need to replenish electrolytes and stay hydrated. We LOVE these!

Vitamin Sea – if you’re headed to the ocean this summer, here are some wild, wonderful ways it heals us!

How to spring clean your iPhone.

Surprised by this one: One of the Most Heart-Healthy Sources of Plant-Based Protein

Dealing With Spring Allergies? An Allergist Say These Are the Foods You Should Add—and Avoid—in Your Diet.

How to flex your way to sleep 💤.

“I talked to 70 parents who raised highly successful kids—here’s the No. 1 parenting style they used”.

What glimmers are you noticing these days? I’ve been seeing baby ducklings, magnolias blooming, and that end-of-the-schoolyear feeling 🙌🏽.

‘5 Italian Girl Wellness Hacks I Learned in Italy That Improved My Life’. I like 4 & 5. I don’t think we do those enough!

Learning How to Say No.

A Path to Well-Being: Feel the Power of Creativity.

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all of the women who love on their people. I have realized over time how mothers come in all forms, and so many of them aren’t “biological”. I have learned some deeply beautiful wisdom from my mom, my grandmothers, my mother-in-law, and aunts. Also friends and neighbors, teachers, and the kind of women who exist to empower other women. I am so grateful to be surrounded by people like you, and to still have my (wildly supportive) mom, her mom (hi Grandma Judy!), and the joyful network of strong, intelligent, incredible women near and far. And being this boy’s mama is truly my greatest blessing.

I hope you are celebrated, loved, and well today. 💙

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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