Sunday Scrolls: March 6th

By Kaylea

Mar 5, 2022 | Sunday Scrolls

I feel so thankful to share some of our favorite things with you today – especially the incredible book I finished this week, the protein ball recipe that came to me in the middle of the night 😅, and an abundance of fresh inspiration to take into this new month! If you need a joy jolt or two, I hope you’ll find something that speaks to you. We’re so glad you came for a visit!


Coconut Almond Protein Balls

If you’re looking to change up your go-to snack ball, these coconut almond bites are a mix of fudgy, fresh goodness and packed with protein, fiber, and incredible vitamins + minerals to give you the best boost! Process together:

After blending, roll into balls, and top with more coconut flakes, cinnamon, and you can even add a drizzle of vegan white chocolate for extra deliciousness.

PS – did you know you can store your coconut flakes in the freezer to keep them fresh longer? As for these tasty pops of protein, store them in the fridge and they last up to a week!


I am such a Damian Lewis super-fan that I wasn’t sure how Billions would do without him at the helm. No spoilers for you, but I have to say, the direction the writers have gone with Mike Pence is fantastic, and it has elevated the trajectory of the character development of everyone around him. ((Though I am secretly hoping they find a way to write out Chuck Rhodes at some point)). Chuck against the world is getting redundant after six seasons 😳. Am I alone on that one? If you gave up on this show, but still have your showtime subscription, I’d say it’s worth another shot.


101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think is a bold promise - that delivers, if you're willing to open up to it. This book is nothing short of outstanding and one I will recommend to friends for years to come. The path to awareness that Brianna lays out for us is practical, positive, and deeply transformative. I have more highlighted passages and dog-eared pages than I can count, and I know it is something I will keep going back to as the seasons of life keep changing. 9.8/10 ⭐️


Deanna sent this recommendation to me and I instantly fell down the rabbit hole of all things Liz Moody. She has a wonderfully interesting background, spent a few years as the editor at Mind Body Green, and has some A+ guests on her podcast. If you’re new to Healthier Together like I was, start here with her 100th episode. It gives a great recap of her bio, shares her favorite takeaways from several of the esteemed powerhouses she has had on, and you can feel her boundless energy through the speakers.


Tap through the arrows to see what quote resonates most with you today. I really loved the third and the last, though they all stopped my scroll this week 🙏🏼.


In the men’s section, but I love it, too 😃.

Speaking of needlepoint, these custom hand-embroidered sweatshirts are so fun. (I’m wearing Sunday Scrolls in the video above!)

12 of the prettiest Pinterest pantries I’ve ever seen 😍.

Love these dog enrichment ideas – I tried the tennis ball/ muffin tin idea and Gemma loved it! Also, have you tried the trick where you put kibble in each fold of a towel and roll it up for them to find?

An incredibly interesting perspective: why you shouldn’t cut out toxic people after all.

Manifesting a trip here.

Beautiful belt for spring/ summer!

Our go-to smoothie booster this week. It tastes *delicious*, makes everything the prettiest pop of blue, plus it’s a powerhouse of vitamins + minerals, anti-inflammatory, and immunity boosting!

This dress would be dreamy for Easter.

When a friend emailed this over, I knew it was the nudge I needed to clean out the cords 😆: 15 Things You’re Holding On To That You’ll Probably Never Use

Making a life-changing decision? Try this first.

Older couples who fall in love and decide to live apart.

Why achieving the goal doesn’t always leave us with the excitement we were expecting.

Turns Out, Introverts Are Likely More Sensitive to Alcohol, Caffeine, and Music. This is ME 💯! You too?

I hope you take a few minutes today (longer if you're able) to do something that fills your cup. My mom is visiting for the weekend and it has been such a gift having her here. Not living near family can be tough. I know you know the feeling 😩. Grandma Barb has so generously urged us to take a Sunday Funday date day, so we're leaving her in charge of Grey and Gemma and going to fill our cups! The first date in years and I'm pretty sure we're shopping for flooring materials 😆. I hope you plan a date too, even if it's snuggled up with your favorite book. Thank you for being here with us. We see you, and appreciate you more than you know!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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