Happy Father’s Day, sweet friend. I am so grateful to be celebrating Jon today, and all the Dads we’re lucky enough to have in our lives, and forever alive in our memories. We have the most delectable round-up this week, and on a special day like this, it’s even more meaningful that you’ve taken a moment out of your day to spend here with us. PS- I have a love note for anyone who is missing their Dad at the bottom of today’s post. But first:
We loved these so much, we devoured them in mere minutes. I would double the recipe you see below – so delicious!!
Cashew Cookies with Homemade Strawberry Jam
- 3/4 cup cashews
- 1 cup GF oats
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil
- Pinch Himalayan salt
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 teaspoon cinnmon
- swirl of agave nectar or maple syrup
Place the cashews, coconut oil, salt, cinnamon, vanilla and agave into blender and pulse until well mixed. Then add your oats and pulse again until similar consistency. Form into cookies, press down in the middle to create a small well for the jam, and pop into freezer for 30 minutes.
- 1/2 cup of your favorite berry jam (if you’re trying to reduce sugar, you can mash any fresh berry)
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
- optional dates
Mix your favorite jam with 1 T. of chia seeds for the topping. If you love dates, pit them, cut in half, and lay on top of cookie. Then top with jam, sprinkle extra cinnamon, and enjoy!
We’re back in great beach read territory. This one has an interesting spin on the typical summer-setting murder-mystery whodunnit. I’m not giving away any spoilers when I tell you that the main character dies only a few pages in. What they choose to do with her death, though, is allow her a “viewing period” in The Great Beyond, where she gets to watch over her family for 75 days, and that’s how we see the story unfold. They almost lost me in the beginning by saying she would be allowed “3 nudges” to help make things happen in her old life. At that point, you start thinking about what the nudges could be and feel like you already know the trajectory of the story. We don’t. Keep reading – there are several plot twists to keep us up half the night, and it’s another great piece by Elin Hilderbrand. 9/10 ⭐️

We finished The Kominsky Method ?, and before I tell you about the next one, can we talk about it for a second? I thought overall it was outstanding, beautifully acted, and the ending was full-circle. No spoilers if you haven’t finished yet, but, I’m still left with left so many unanswered questions from what they did at the end of season 2 into 3. It was so abrupt! Alright, onto the next:

The idea for this show is great. I love the relatability being one myself. But, it is such an anxiety-inducer. Maybe just a big trigger for me since that time going back to work just a few weeks after having Grey was so hard. Also the never-ending struggle of feeling torn, like you’re not doing enough on either side of the pendulum: parenting, or earning. I will say, each of the moms bring a different perspective to the show, they keep it light and funny, and could be helpful to someone in that boat. I made it through one episode thinking it was a movie (I thought I spied Melissa McCarthy in the trailer, and I did not ?). Next up on our watch list is Manifest, and I can’t wait!
Have you read Untamed? I reviewed it last year for Scrolls and it’s one I wouldn’t mind re-reading. I stumbled upon Glennon’s new podcast and the episode on Boundaries really spoke to me (literally and figuratively ?). Setting boundaries is something I have struggled with my whole life. I’ve been working on slowly shifting many of my people-pleasing tendencies especially in the past couple of years, but still have more work to do. This talk was eye-opening and I know it will be impactful for you even if you’re a strong boundary-setter. It looks at it from many angles and is an hour well-spent on your next drive, or deep-cleaning of the house!

The first quote in the slideshow is one that I have been feeling in such a major way since we moved in the fall. I saved it to my phone and look at it again and again, feeling grateful that someone else had the ability to eloquently describe what I felt, but didn’t know how to say. This is so, so deeply true. Don’t allow yourself to stay stuck because you think that’s what is expected of you. We are made for so much more than “what people expect from us”. ?
I have been reading up on the Halo Band, and it’s one of the Prime Day Deals I’m excited about. I have & love the Apple Watch, but this is even more wellness-tracker-wise, for a fraction of the price! It measures your movement, the quality of your sleep, even body composition – the tone of your voice! It sounds incredible. Plus, access to workouts and meditations. The price is fantastic ??. If you’re thinking about it too, read this.
And speaking of Prime Day, books right now are 3 for the price of 2! Here’s our Book Club page with some of our favorites ?.
20 Kids Movies That Parents Will Love Too!
These acrylic white boards are super practical, and stylish, too. I have one in the kitchen for reminders, and another in our “family station” for Grey’s chore list. It is a helpful visual and doesn’t take up a lot of space.
This was so helpful as we navigate tricky conversations with Grey. I know how impressionable he is, and we’re always open to suggestions: “Bodies are amazing: they come in different sizes, but we always ask permission before we talk about someone else’s body.”
There is zero chance of me doing my hair in this humidity. It’s been 100 all week here in Texas and from what we hear, only going to get hotter ?. I’ve been air-drying after the shower, and spritzing this in just before it’s completely dry.
Energizing afternoon habits to improve your day! (I love #’s 2 & 11!)
Of all the summer bucket list posts I’ve seen, this seems to be the most doable.
One of my favorite shirts Jon has been wearing on repeat is on sale – I love the texture and the cut – he has it in “anchor”.
My friend Deanna sent this over, and ohmygoodness I’d love to go. What do you think NY friends? Is it true?
Father’s Day.
I broke down in the card aisle this year. My Dad died 6 years ago, and I feel thankful most days chatting with him in my thoughts, but some days, when I least expect it, a dark wave of grief seeps in. And the thing about grief, is that no one feels it exactly as you do. They understand on some level, but it is deeply personal. The same goes for people with a complicated relationship with their dad. These days can be magical, but also tough. Protect your peace, share as much love as you can, and celebrate absolutely everyone around you whom you cherish so dearly.
It has been my greatest purpose, love, and JOY to have Jon as my partner in life, and my co-parent to Grey. You may have noticed his funny side, but something you might not know, is his gift for being a caregiver. If you're ever sick, he is the first person to drive to the store and get every thing you could possibly need to feel better, including some you don't, like the entire lineup of fancy chocolate bars. He will clean up your puke, put cold towels on your head, and sleep on the couch for months with our elderly pups when their time was coming to an end. You will not have any doubt in your mind how loved you are when you're his person. It's his superpower ??. Grey is so lucky to have that example.

To all the dads who choose to be fathers, in all the ways one can, and the moms who do both, you are real heroes. To Jon, my calm, wise, thoughtful dad, my wickedly smart and fun step-dad Chris, my sweet father-in-law BG, and both my salt-of-the-earth grandpas – I am so very grateful for you and how you have shaped my life. You are treasures.
Happy Father’s Day to YOU, and thank you for spending some of it with us!
❤️ ❤️ all your Sunday scrolls.
In this edition FATHERS DAY truly touched my heart. I lost my Dad 56 years ago next week.
He was 45, I was 16. There has not been a day in all those years I haven’t thought about him. Always about something fun we did together or something he said to me. I also talk to my dad, often.
Thank you for writing about the feelings.
Feelings I could never explain, until now.
On this and every past Fathers Day since 1965
I reminisce all day about my Dad. I cook his favorite dinner and his favorite chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. I reread my diary I wrote in from the age of 10-14. Look at all the great pictures of him.
I am thankful to have been blessed with the best dad ever. I miss him so.
Maureen, you couldn’t imagine how much your note made my day. THANK YOU so much for sharing your beautiful memories of your Dad. I absolutely love the way you honor him each year. They say time heals, and I agree that it helps, but it doesn’t really remove the hole, or the sting, does it? Sending lots of love to you today, and truly, thank you again for the hug ?