Please know that you are loved today. And I hope if something is making you feel less than, you allow me to wipe it away so you completely forget about it by the time you’re done reading Scrolls. That’s my Valentine’s wish for you! Thank you for being here with us today – we’re having an actual snow storm in Texas and I’m pretty sure this will be a Valentine’s Day for the record books. We’re making wildlife treats, sharing a juicy new show, a life-changing book, and a fabulous round-up of our favorite finds of the week!
Make It.
I know I said I was missing snow, and somehow I feel responsible for the winter storm that has come to stay in Texas. 3-7 inches of snow today and below zero wind chills ?. I always worry about everyone when the temperatures drop. The elderly, the pups, and the wildlife. We’re keeping Chancellor inside as much as possible today, and whipping up these sweet treats for the birds and any other yard critters (just please don’t tell our neighbors ?). Since we can’t invite them all inside, the least we can do is keep their bellies full:
If you want to make them for your winter wildlife, they’re so easy, and super fun for kids to help with:
- Pipe Cleaners
- Peanut Butter
- Stale Bread
- Bird Seed
Watch It.
We knew nothing about this show until we stumbled upon Flack by chance this week. I hadn’t even seen any chatter around it, but if we’re being honest, they can’t all be Bridgerton or Queen’s Gambit kind of buzz ?. Apparently Anna Paquin has been in a lot, and I have no clue how I haven’t come to see her in anything yet. She’s outstanding in this. That being said, the content is not super family-friendly and can get a little spicy. I’m here for the fashion, the London scenes, and yes, the totally out-there, but you could see it in Lalaland storylines.
Read It.
This book has been such a gift as I attempt to set the tone for each day. Years ago, my Grandma Shirley gifted me a copy of Jesus Calling, and I have read it diligently ever since. If you haven’t read it, please know, it isn’t an in your face preachy kind of devotional. It is simply beautiful snippets of love, peace, and joy. I have gifted it to so many people I love in an attempt to shower them with all of those feelings. But back to this one – The Daily Stoic is the same kind of short, daily snippets, but in a non-Jesus sort of way. Simple, actionable, achievable mindset shifts for the day ahead.

Pro tip: Most people read these every morning before starting their day. I think any time you read them is fantastic. But my personal favorite is that time just before you turn off the lamp before bed each night. It has helped me so much with my anxiety for the next day. I read the wisdom, let it sink in, and release all worries before bed. Let me know what you think if you try it!
Feel It.
One of my favorite parts of Scrolls! Please tap through to find a nugget that resonates with you today. If I had to choose one, I’d go with the third, but they all got me in the feels this week!
Small wins of the week: stepping out of my comfort zone and learning how to do more techy tweaks on the website, reels on instagram, and designing something fun to send to Scrolls readers! ? What were your wins?!
Try It.
I am so honored to be an Albion Maven for the next few months. Mostly because I get to pass an extra discount to everyone in the Pack. Also because I *love* their backstory, that it is family owned, and that all of the clothing is sustainably made. Here are the cozies I’m wearing below. If you find something you like, use NIXONPACK15 at checkout for 15% off and let me know if you need any recommendations. I am happy to help!
Good news for coffee drinkers – the latest evidence that drinking your morning cup of java promotes heart health! ☕️
The most affordable city in the entire U.S. Any guesses which state?
Jon sent me this video of a man who jumps in Lake Michigan every day. Can you imagine?! It has been bone-chilling in Chicago this winter!
That being said, look what ice baths can do for your body, and your immune system! ? Will you try it?!
This conversation was the highlight of my month!
Ever wonder what the skinniest house in England looks like? Here she is in all her glory – and for sale! So dreamy!!
Love these ideas to celebrate the Chinese New Year!
How to give yourself a quick relationship checkup. Jon and I were just talking about this. It’s nice (and so important) to check in every now and then to make sure you’re on the same page.
If you work out in any capacity, even walking outside, I can’t recommend these enough. They have helped SO much with the little sweat breakouts I was getting on my forehead and keep all the baby hairs off my face.

Have a wonderful start to your week! A big squeeze to you and your people. Stay safe and warm!