Sunday Scrolls: Happy 2023!

By Kaylea

Jan 1, 2023 | Sunday Scrolls

I can’t tell you how many times this week I’ve heard, “I’m not making any New Year’s resolutions. They never stick.” I hear you. But hear me out: what if they did? Research from psychologist John Norcross found that resolution-makers are more than 10x more successful at changing their behavior than people who set a goal another time in the year. So today’s Scrolls is dedicated to tiny changes that can genuinely shift your life in the direction you want it to go. We all deserve to have a well + JOYful 2023 – and I am your biggest fan along the way!


I love the New Year tradition of eating lentils for luck and prosperity. Who doesn’t want more of that? ๐Ÿ˜I’m also here for their health superpowers: high in potassium, fiber, folate, and polyphenols to fight chronic disease. And did you know: lentils are one of the most nutritious foods you can eat to help cleanse the liver!

For this dish, I stewed onions, rainbow carrots, Japanese sweet potatoes, fresh garlic and lentils together with (extra shakes of) spicy curry, celtic salt and red pepper flakes. Then I added local micro greens (a super-concentrated dose of antioxidants, vitamins + minerals) with a drizzle of EVOO to finish!

One of my goals for this year is to eat more whole foods, and make it a habit to eat the rainbow every day. I have read so much research lately about the massive impact that getting a variety of those glorious phytochemicals has on our bodies. Here is a great tool for what each color does for us, and which diseases it helps fight .


I’m all about eliminating the road blocks in our way when it comes to making healthy choices. For me, going to the gym was never something that felt easy/ enjoyable/ sustainable long-term. But working out online? I’ve been committed to it daily for three years and counting. If you’ve been here for a while, you know my love runs deep for Team Body Project, and we subscribe to their service annually. I love the variation in the workout programs they offer (for all levels and all ages!), and still sometimes I like to branch out and try something new.

Pilates has been a favorite lately – stretching, lengthening, and toning in muscles I didn’t know I had. A prediction I keep seeing for 2023? More gentle, supportive workouts; less high-impact, high-energy cardio combos. A quick search on YouTube will bring up A TON of free exercises right at our fingertips, eliminating the roadblocks, and excuses!


If you’re looking for additional motivation this week, I have a few podcasts I know you’ll love. I found too many golden nuggets to list in this one with Steven Bartlett on 5 Scientific Rules for Making & Breaking Habits. And this one from Mel Robbins is so good I saved it and listened twice: How to Manifest Anything You Want: 4 Simple Steps Backed by Neuroscience & Olympic Athletes. Lastly – this is a meditation I am full blown addicted to. We listen as a family every morning while we’re getting ready, and every night before bed. In the intro she says, “listen for 40 days and expect miracles”. I’m in!


What I’m reading this week!

A Well + Joyful You in 2023 ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ.

The power of a growth mindset – and how to create one.

THIS BOOK is my top pick if you’re trying to make a change in your life – 10/10!

9 Simple Ways To Start Exercising Again After A Break.

I bookmarked this recipe site – how delectable do those salads look?

A sleep routine to consider. I love these suggestions!

Clean Eating: What Happens When You Give Up Highly Processed Food.

I joined this (free) challenge. Want to do it together?

What does it mean to really, truly rest?

A Psychologist’s Practice For Embracing Uncertainty (For The Sake Of Your Stress).

12 Expert-Backed Financial Resolutions To Make This Yearโ€”And How To Achieve Them.

The 6 Top Heart-Healthy Cooking Tips and Recipes We Learned From Cardiologists This Year.

Thinking about Dry January? Studies show the benefits last longer than a month.

7 reasons why you should consider taking cold showers.

An honest review on 75 Hard if you’re considering the challenge.

A loving reminder that not all New Year resolutions have to do with exercise, or eating better. It can be as simple as wanting to make more time for your friend group, or reading more books that you love. No matter which new habit you’re working toward, what you’re leaving behind, or if you are happy with exactly where you are – I applaud you. We are so grateful to be ringing in 2023 together and feel so proud to walk alongside you in this space!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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