Grey had 4 (4!) snow days this week and I found out just how old I am 😅. I recounted many a “back in my day we had two FEET of snow in Syracuse and still no snow day”, which was met with the eye rolls and giggles you’d expect from a tiny Texan who thinks his mom is telling tales. This week was the very best test of patience, presence, and grace, and I am going into the new week feeling wildly grateful…and will be missing him more than usual tomorrow. In the meantime, we have a packed-to-the-brim Scrolls to deliver to you – with anti-inflammatory recipes, movement inspiration, links I know you will love, and so much more. Let’s get into it!
Our Well of Joy community focus this month has been all things anti-inflammatory and I am SO enjoying this deep dive with you. PS – if you know someone looking to build healthy habits and cultivate a life of well-being and JOY – come join us!
As we learn more about ways to reduce chronic inflammation in our bodies, what we eat (and what we choose not to eat) plays such a massive role in staving off disease. Here is a salad dressing to meal prep this week that is so versatile and incorporates so many anti-inflammatory powerhouses.

For the salad, I did a purple cabbage (the phytonutrients!) base, and the spinach pesto is made with cashews, lemons, olive oil and fresh herbs, and toasted cannellini beans on top. Into the food processor goes:
- 1 cup spinach
- 2 shallots
- 1 bunch of fresh dill
- 1/4 cup cashews
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- juice of 2 lemons
- 2 T. rice vinegar
- 1 clove elephant garlic (or whatever garlic you have on-hand)
- salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, and onion powder to taste

I know it sounds like a lot of health (and it is!) but it is 10/10 delicious! In her version, Baked by Melissa serves her Green Goddess dressing with chips, I like to use it as a dip for carrots at lunch, and any way you choose to eat it, I promise you, this salad is far more scrumptious than you’re expecting and will knock your socks off!
Then for dessert, we made these bloat-busting banana boats. They taste like a candy bar!!
This week’s ice storm made outdoor walks a challenge 😩. Inside, we did this family workout on YouTube, I did a lot of pilates + strength training with Team Body Project, and we made sure to be purposeful about movement throughout the day because who doesn’t want more of this ⬇️?!

Which one is speaking to you today? I love the (much needed) reminders of #’s 4 and 5!
You will never believe these sleep stats and how important sleep is for optimal health. We researched 5 ways to start sleeping better right now!
These glasses are SO fun (and they come with lids + straws).
And on that note, Grey picked these Valentines for his class. I love the silly straws 😍.
7 Experience Gifts For The People We Love 💙.
What is the newly popular Low-Oxalate diet + why it isn’t for everyone.
A guide to medicinal herbs for every ailment.
What makes a good life? The five secrets to happiness, according to an 80-year study by Harvard.
Airbnb Reveals Its Most-Liked Listings of 2022 😍
Jon spent weeks looking for a new backpack and finally decided on this one. He gives it 5 stars!
3 Things to Do If You Wake Up in the Middle of the Night and Can’t Go Back to Sleep.
A Nutritionist Explains How “Metabolic Meals” Can Balance Your Blood Sugar.
How delightful are these adult lunch bowls?
The Most Charismatic People Have These Two Traits.
Do something that lights you up today, something that fills your well and breathes a new energy into your being. You deserve that rush of joy to bring with you to the week ahead! XO, Kaylea