I am so thankful we woke up together this morning. This week was enlightening, exciting, energizing, and the full gamut of emotions. I can’t wait to share more with you later, but first, my very favorite breakfast food of all time, how to build healthy habit momentum whilst traveling, mindset motivation, and fun links to swoon over! Come on in, we’re so happy you’re here!
I had the most mouth-watering, out of this world authentic (vegan, organic!) chilaquiles at a tiny little spot in Sedona and the cacophony of flavors are still bursting on my tastebuds. I’m going to try to come as close as possible to replicating it (and I’m sure will fail miserably), but it will be fun to try! Starting with this recipe. Do you have one you like?

Our top tips for using your next trip to build healthy habit momentum:
A big YES to the last one! And for the second quote – I’d change “your life will be the same” to “your life may be worse 😔”. PS – this short & sweet newsletter had some wonderful wisdom this week!
How To Care For Yourself When You Have Seasonal Depression.
Have you seen this wise escape artist? 🦉
This is what I decided to quit for Lent – and it’s harder than I thought!
The Vegetable A Nutrition Expert Eats Daily For Brain Health & Anxiety Relief.
My very favorite jeans are on sale! And I wear these on repeat, too.
I’ve been wanting to try this wellness trend! Have you?
What’s Your #1 Travel Tip? Tons of gems. Will you add your top tip to the comments below?
You know how I feel about chickpeas 😍. This recipe looks delicious! And if you’re like me and can’t get enough, Chickpeas: A Love Story.
A friend told me this was the best book she ever read. It’s next up on the nightstand!
What’s the Most Helpful Thing a Therapist Has Ever Told You? ((SO many golden nuggets in the comments!))
How to release tension in your jaw in one minute or less.
3 Healthy Aging Tips From A Top Dermatologist Who’s Seen It all – the 3rd feels the most forgotten about!
Today I'd love to leave you with this: whatever you've been putting off - something as small as sending a thank you note, or as big as saying I'm sorry to a friend; maybe something as daunting as planning a trip, or starting a new workout - take the next first step. There is so much power behind that step that builds such beautiful momentum causing an avalanche of change in your life. Imagine if we all decided to start today, the ripples in this community would make the most glorious waves! Have a tremendous week. I think you're as pretty as a desert sunset, as cool as a cactus, and as strong as a mountain 🏜.