Today’s Scrolls is a compilation of all of the meals, movement, mindset and moments that have been bringing us joy lately, and we can’t wait to share them with you. Especially the crinkle cookies and the wisdom at the very end. It has completely shifted how I look at the people we surround ourselves with, and the great light they shine in our lives. I think you’ll like it too. Come on in and warm up with us!
You have to try these delectable chocolate crinkle cookies. They’re a one-bowl wonder, vegan, gluten-free, refined sugar-free, and you likely have all of the ingredients waiting in your pantry!

A Guide to Feeling Great After Holiday Indulgence (I need this! You too?)
Plus, these soup recipes that actually made my mouth water just scrolling to choose one 😋
As you might have noticed, we are big Harry Potter fans over here so I’m planning on surprising Grey with a hot mug of Butterbeer on Christmas Eve. I’ll share our version when we perfect it, but I’m starting with this as a base (parts of this one too) and healthifying it from there! 🪄
What Standing On One Leg Can Tell You About Your Health and 10-Minute Balance Exercises To Do Everyday to help you live longer!
All The Benefits Of Strength Training For Women
The third nugget is SO very helpful when you spend time with anyone this holiday season. Plus, the nerd in me loves learning a new vocabulary word. This one became a fast favorite.
Here is everything from my favorites folder last month. I save random pictures of things I’m grateful for, hence the photo of the extra large avocado. We do this funny thing every time we slice an avocado for morning smoothies. “This avocado was top of its class at Stanford”. “This avocado was the farmer’s favorite”. As you can imagine, Grey comes up with some pretty silly ones too, especially for what he dubs, the “bruised baddies” 😆.
Our take on ways to stay well + joyful this “sick season”.
As we wrap this year, I’m reading this book now for a new way to see endings (a Jon recommendation) and I just finished this book (a quick, interesting read about an apothecary for women in London in the 1700’s). This book got rave reviews and it’s next on my nightstand. I can’t wait!
Do you have 8 minutes to call a friend?
Interesting: How Psychological Minimalism Can Free Your Mind and Transform Your Life.
Fatal Conveniences: Shift These 5 Harmful Habits According To Author Darin Olien (We made the water switch, but the food packaging even greens come in is so hard!)
50 Experience Gifts for Kids That They’ll Remember Forever (I love gifting an experience you can enjoy together!) and this – 50 Fun and Inexpensive Holiday Activities to Enjoy This Season
Winter wellness protocols from one of the healthiest regions in the world! (YES to blue light – Dr. Huberman talks about this too!)
Speaking of one of the tips above: would you be able to do this? I couldn’t do the claustrophobia!
I like this concept – API – think of how many situations we could apply this to!
Studies Show “Third Places” Increase Happiness—Here’s How to Actually Find One YES to this!
“Operation 66” Was Made for Women. Have you heard of this one?
What Happens to Your Brain When You Doomscroll, According to a Neuropsychologist
The 100 must-read books of 2024.
Letting Go of Perfection: How to Navigate Holiday Expectations With Grace
The Ultimate Dopamine Menu: How to Balance Hormones and Boost Happiness Naturally
How to Do Slow Living Successfully, From a Psychotherapist’s Perspective
And I’ll leave you with this to think about in case we’re in the same boat. As I was reading this quote highlighted in James Clear’s newsletter, it made me think about how our family dynamics have ebbed and flowed over the years. I feel the loss of my grandparents deeply around the holidays. They always felt like the glue that held us all together. And though the quote is about friends, it made me think about them, and how the void isn’t just their presence and the magic they brought to our lives, but also the light they brought out in each of us, that only they could. I hope that in the coming celebrations, you shine a light on your people, and bask in the light they shine on you 💙. Be well and joyful, kind friend!