Sunday Scrolls: December 5th

By Kaylea

Dec 5, 2021 | Sunday Scrolls | 1 comment

I fully believe in the Law of Attraction. Sometimes it doesn’t look exactly as you pictured, but in my experience, it ends up being exactly what you need. In today’s Scrolls we can’t wait to introduce you to the newest member of the Pack, share a scrumptious holiday recipe, the most life-changing podcast to date, and a host of other gems for your mindset, your mood, and motivation for a new week!

Believe it or not, I’m not a big puppy person 😆. They are next level adorable, but I can do without the potty training and the nibbles, and will always choose an older pup to rescue if given the choice. But sometimes, it’s not your choice, and can end up being the biggest blessing for all. Meet Gemma, the newest member of the Pack, and the tiny fur baby who has brought a week of sleepless nights and boundless energy back into the house. She was thrown in a dumpster at Camping World, covered in fleas and worms and mange. This sweet gal may still lose her tail, but is otherwise on the mend, currently smothered in smooches in my lap as I type. I have no idea what would cause a person to toss a living creature into the garbage (let alone a 5 pound puppy), but I thank God she ended up with us. We are exhausted, and joyful!


Pecan Pie (vegan + gluten free)


  • 1 ½ cups of your favorite GF flour – this time I used amaranth (awesome substitute if you haven’t tried it yet!)
  • 3/4 cup oat flour
  • A few shakes of sea salt
  • 8 T. coconut oil (not melted)
  • 6 T. maple syrup


  • 1/2 cup melted coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 1/3 cup coconut sugar (adjust for how sweet you like it, I went low)
  • 1 t. Mexican vanilla
  • 2 T. dairy-free milk (we used oat milk)
  • 2 T. arrowroot powder
  • 2 cups raw pecans, with a rough chop
  • Sprinkle of sea salt and cinnamon
  • Optional chocolate chips!

Whip It Up:

  • Preheat to 350 + get your pan ready. I went with a scalloped pie dish (above), but these also work great as bars made in a square dish.
  • Whisk your flours + salt, slowly mix in your coconut oil, then once almost combined, add the maple syrup. I wouldn’t skimp on this part because when you try to use less liquid, the crust comes out too dry.
  • Tamp the crust down in your greased dish, and bake for 10 minutes until the palest shade of gold.
  • While that is baking, whip up the topping. Add all of the ingredients together, then pull out your crust and spread evenly on top.
  • Pop it back in the oven for 30 minutes (but start watching at 25 or so. When I let it go too long, the crust dries too much. You want those crisp edges, but gummy, delicious center) until bubbly and beautiful!


I have been working on a reading roundup with the best book recommendations for any person, in every age range – it’s coming next week! And while I was reflecting on some of the novels, personal growth series, historical pieces and autobiographies I have read this year, I feel so thankful for all of the incredible, interesting, intriguing reads I have been lucky enough to devour.

Fault Lines was a library find, and a surprisingly honest, refreshing, and an insightful look into Japanese culture. What I found particularly relatable was the way the main character experienced motherhood, removed the filter, and gave us the highs and lows without fear of judgment. A fresh writing style and quick read: 8.6 ⭐️


We tried so hard to find a great Watch It this week 😆. Jon put on the Kevin Hart limited series (meh, we turned it off after about fifteen minutes). Then we attempted the most watched movie of all time on Netflix – Red Notice. Have you seen it? I must have been in a mood because it fell short for me. Too cheesy and not in a good Christmas Hallmark movie kind of way. Speaking of. I have been craving one of those! Please leave a comment if you’ve watched a good holiday flick this season! Back to the point – we settled on an oldie, but a goodie, A Good Year. Vintage Russell Crowe, swoon-worthy scenery, simple and sweet!


500 episodes is such a feat, and this podcast was a particularly impactful roundup of the best bite-sized, golden nuggets of wellness wisdom, the top book recommendations for changing your mindset, and key takeaways she has learned over the past few years. So many free tips and actionable items you can put in place today. Highly, highly recommend if you’re looking for a shift in perspective in any area of your life!



Why Your Communication Skills Don’t Work During Big Fights. This made SO much sense and I love her 4 steps to fix it.

We’ve been wanting a sauna for so long – did you see this laundry list of health benefits?! (They covered it in the podcast shared above as well). I keep hearing this is an affordable/ easy option and can’t wait to give it a try!

Have you seen the latest home decor trend, newstalgia?

A fun gift idea for the pet parent in your life!

I love when people take care to ask your kids something other than the usual Q’s. These are great!

Remember a few weeks back when I said pins on sweaters/ coats is on trend this season? I have always loved a good brooch 😍 and if you’re looking for a little glitz for just a few bucks – this set looks way nicer than the price tag has you believe, and this lady is dreamy in person. I pin them to all my winter coats and sweaters!

Eating fruits and vegetables in-season makes such a difference in the nutrients our bodies can absorb and our overall health. Here’s a peek at what’s in season now, and what to cook with it.

I’m too intrigued not to try it. And the wellness bonus is 🤩! What do you think of this combo: would you give it a go?

Pranks in the office 🙊.

The wildlife photographer of the year. I got so lost in these photos, it almost felt meditative. Absolutely breathtaking.

Can you imagine a private cable car taking you home??

46 ways to give experiences instead of stuff (even if it’s the last minute).

A new study on what triggers strokes.

This week, my person turns forty. I don't take for granted how lucky I am to have a life partner who is truly in it for better or worse. There is no one I would rather celebrate with, mourn with, parent with, adventure with, and grow with, than this guy. Nearly nine homes, six pups, three states, and one incredible mini Jon later - I can't wait to see what happens next. If you were to tell me what our future life would look like on the first day we met in college (18 years ago 😅), I would have absolutely believed you, because anything Jon sets his mind to, he makes our reality. What a blessing he is to our little triangle. 

Have a wonderful week celebrating those you love, and carve out a minute or two to celebrate you, too 💙.

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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1 Comment

  1. Sharon Sterling

    Happy Birthday, Jon!

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