The leaves were an explosion of color this week in Texas, and even though we wait a little longer than most to start celebrating fall, it was so worth it. It gave me that change of seasons feeling – where you’re shedding the old, centering yourself, and hopeful for what’s next. Today in Scrolls we have a ton of opportunities for just that, and I’m so thankful you’re here to share ideas and inspiration with!
We posted our Superfood Smoothie Secrets this week and if you try just one item from it, let it be equal parts fruit + veggies (I promise it won’t change the taste!). While I’ve seen a huge spike in the cost of fresh produce, so far the frozen fruits and vegetables haven’t increased substantially (at least from the bags we’ve been buying at Costco). Smoothies are a substantial, easy, delicious way to get many of the nutrients you need. Here’s what we added to this one:

- 1:1 organic frozen riced cauliflower + triple berry blend
- 2 cups homemade oat milk (easy recipe coming next week!)
- 1/4 cup cashew yogurt
- 1 t. cinnamon
- 1 t. vanilla
- 1 scoop clean vegan protein
- maca, adaptogenic mushrooms, inulin
Check out this post for all of the health benefits, and other ideas to swap in and out!
Sometimes I worry my phone knows my habits better than I do. It pings me with my “health trends” regularly, and this week it said my walking average is 2 miles more per day this year, than it was last year (thankfully reaping some positive rewards of adopting a high-energy puppy).
And in looking into my health insights a little deeper overall (bloodwork, muscle mass, BMI), I came to another conclusion: gentle consistency is so much more impactful than intense inconsistency.

Until this year, I had tried cardio, HIIT, weights, low impact; going hard some days, easy others. And of all the exercise I’ve done inconsistently – walking consistently has been most impactful for my mood, my mind, and my body – by a landslide.
Need more inspo to start a walking practice? Let’s do it together.
#’s 3,6 and 7 are really top of mind for me this week. Which ones speak to you?
On the 12 days of Christmas, my wellness counselor gave to me…
Fantastic ideas for New Year’s Resolutions for Kids
This slipper selection is perfection! And how sweet are these?
I love the way this is phrased: How To Kickstart an Upward Spiral
10 Compliments That Have Nothing To Do With Appearance
5 Tips for Getting Outside Even If You Sort of Despise Winter
Warm, but not bulky leggings. 10/10
Let’s roadtrip for The Best Christmas Towns in America
Reordered this sunscreen: silky skincare + sun protection in one!
A 6 minute podcast I am certain you’ll take a nugget or two from (I sure did)
12 acts of kindness to do throughout Christmas (How sweet is the sack idea!)
‘Jellyfish Parenting’ Is the New Tiger Mom-ing
What comes after the honeymoon phase
16 Desk Essentials Your Body Will Thank You For
One of my favorite follows. Thought-provoking quotes & beautiful book recommendations.
have a spectacular sunday.
xo, kaylea
be well + Joyful, kind friend!