Sunday Scrolls: April 25th

By Kaylea

I’m using my Grandma Shirley’s china in the Make It today because I don’t think we use fancy heirlooms enough, and I’m all about celebrating the mundane. You too?! Scrolls is packed with a phenomenal book recommendation you won’t be able to put down, a short podcast that gets you thinking about self-discipline in such an inspiring way, and a laundry list of favorite finds we have been loving! Thank you for spending your Sunday with us!

Make It.

Isn’t it funny how as we get into prime farmer’s market season, your cravings naturally follow suit? I almost cried at the sight of these Easter radishes. Actually, I had never seen nor heard of Easter radishes and that is the beauty of the market. She holds out her gifts in all of their bright beauty! As our family’s dietary needs change, I have been down the rabbit hole once again researching all the ways to get the nutrients we need, in the purest form they come. This salad has been a family favorite – sharing all of the health benefits in the recipe below!

  • Quinoa – we do 1 cup of organic, multi-colored quinoa (rinsed), then sauté it in EVOO for a couple of minutes with your choice of fresh herbs, salt and pepper. Then add in 1 3/4 cups of vegetable stock. Bring it to a boil for a few minutes, lower the heat, and let it simmer for about 15. The key is, after you remove it from heat, sprinkle with some lemon juice, then fluff with a fork and let rest again. PS – quinoa is gluten-free, high in protein and one of the few plant foods that contain sufficient amounts of all nine essential amino acids. It is also high in fibermagnesium, B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin E & antioxidants! ?
  • Asparagus – while you’re cooking your quinoa, roast the asparagus spears in a 400 degree oven for about 15 minutes. We roll ours in a little EVOO with red pepper flakes and garlic salt. Did you know asparagus is one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat?  It’s low in calories and a great source of nutrients, including fiber, folate and vitamins A, C and K. It improves digestion and lowers blood pressure!
  • Radishes – these pair so beautifully with this salad. The crunch is so fresh, the bite of it is just enough spice and tang, plus radishes are hugely nutritious. Their nitrates improve blood flow, and they’re packed with calcium and potassium.
  • Super Greens – Another level of love to this salad, though it definitely plays a supporting role to the other ingredients. The dark, leafy greens add freshness, fiber, iron and more antioxidants!
  • Dressing – Because you’re layering in so many seasoned components, you’ll find you don’t need (or want) a heavy dressing to undo all of that goodness you added in! We squeeze the juice of a whole lemon over everything to enhance the flavors, sprinkle more salt and pepper along with some red pepper flakes, then drizzle a balsamic glaze on top. Enjoy!! ?

Read It.

This is outstanding. Which comes as no surprise since I loved The Alice Network so deeply and they’re both written by Kate Quinn. The characters are intricate, intelligent women you’d love to befriend in real life, and the writing is so impeccable that you can feel the emotions as if they were your own. I have always been fascinated by women’s role in WWII and this gives such a unique perspective. Don’t be intimidated by the heft of this novel, she moves quickly and the story will suck you in and have you praying it won’t end. 9.4/10 ⭐️

Watch It.

This is all Jon ?. However – though it was not something I would have clicked on, it has been a welcome new docuseries after finishing all five seasons of Billions. You know it’s a good one when you secretly resent every new show you watch after it. Nothing compares. This Is a Robbery isn’t meant to, though. It’s wild in the sense that this heist was actually pulled off in real life, not that long ago. Okay fine, thirty years, but still! I love a good whodunnit, even though we still don’t know the answer to that, yet, and the museum it happened in is now on my travel wish list!

Listen to It.

I’m working on something special for you this week. It started with my trip to the library where I had this aha moment of how much my reading habit was costing us. I read 2-3 books a week and even with the discount table at book shops, and Costco pricing, it still adds up. Same thing with the grocery store. Or Home Goods. If you aren’t disciplined, it can bite you in the bum. Keep an eye out for some money and time saving ideas coming your way – to our email subscribers first!, then the blog later this week. In the meantime, this helped spark a change for me:

Feel It.

Try It.

THIS is a major perspective-shifter. I have read and re-read it so many times and feel thankful to share it with you: the idea of happiness vs. JOY. This is exactly what I’m after ?.

Albion restocked their Jetsetters and we are so excited to be partnered with them to offer 15% off anything you love on their site! Use NIXON15 at checkout and look out for a big giveaway with them tomorrow on our instagram page!

31 Things Keeping Us Happy at Home This Spring!

I had no idea these were made by Ugg – the beauty! The color! The comfort!!

The health benefits of starting your day with fruit are mind-blowing, and since doing so, I’ve noticed a huge difference in my digestion and energy levels ??. I was hesitant to get a juicer at first but this one came highly recommended and she is everything I hoped for and more (sturdy, effective, gets all the juice)! Bonus: dishwasher safe!!

Have you been to any of these? The 15 Most Charming Small Towns in New England ?.

If you only watch one thing – please let it be this! I cannot stop laughing, rolling really, over this Ina Garten impression ???.

The ruffles are so sweet but not too “little kiddy”, and they are so comfy! Plus 20% off and comes in so many colors!

Letting go. These nuggets of wisdom hit me right where I needed it. I hope they do the same for you! 6 ways to update your well-being that have nothing to do with diet or exercise.

We talk about this all the time in our house – the paradox of time. This was such an interesting read on how having children quite literally changes your concept of time & how to live in the moment.

I continue to be amazed by how creative people have gotten in the midst of a global pandemic. A friend of ours started a movie production company in CNY. If you love scary movies, take a look at this sneak peek!

One of the thingwe miss most about living in Chicago – walking everywhere, and all of the health benefits you get from walking.

The most aesthetic mug set. Imagine gifting this to a mom in your life for Mother’s Day with her favorite tea and some local honey?

We ventured out to a new-to-us part of Texas this weekend (Fort Worth), and had the best time checking out their incredible Farmer's Market and the zoo! Zoos for me are tough. I love seeing the animals and being able to show Grey animals from all over the world that we might never get the opportunity to see up close, but also, it can be so hard to see them in such small enclosures. This zoo was the best I've ever been to. The exhibits were huge, the animals had a ton of space to roam, and the general vibe felt beautifully maintained and joyful. 10/10 recommend if you're ever out this way!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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    Missed this Nixon Pack week and just went back to scroll. Found some great fun stuff as always. The article about New England cities is charming to say the least. Chatham is one of the most enchanting cities on the Cape. Follow the IG page for Chatham Bars Inn for stunning views, food pictures and the most beautiful hydrangeas I have ever seen ! On my wish list of luxury places to stay for sure !

    • nixonpack

      I will always have hope you will start a travel blog, Deanna! You have so many great nuggets to share!

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