If you’re new here, ((big warm squeeze!)), I am so thankful you found this well + joyful place to share with us. Sunday Scrolls is my absolute favorite post to curate each week. She’s an amalgamation of so many things I love, find interesting, wildly inspiring, or just plain fun. I am quite literally thinking of you with every link I share, every meal idea I suggest, and every quote I add to the slideshow in the hopes that even one item will motivate, educate, or inspire you in the way you need most each week. I can’t wait to hear what speaks to you today! Come in!
You’re looking at a much prettier version of Sunday dinner than will be on our table tonight 😆, but hopefully the same savory, splendid flavors nonetheless. This vegan bolognese is 5⭐️ scrumptious and one I come back to again and again when I’m looking for comfort food. Hot tip: don’t skip the walnuts – it’s worth a trip to the store if you don’t have them on-hand and they really help take the texture and flavor profile of the sauce to the next level.

And if you’re gluten-free like we are, I highly recommend the Jovial line of pasta. It’s Dr. Gundry approved, and rates as excellent on the Yuka app with no additives or nasty ingredients.
Guess which old school exercise has been trending recently? Step aerobics! Can you stand it?! I used to love watching my mom whip out that plastic block and start stepping to the music! I’m not sure I’m coordinated enough to do this one, if my crystal ball were clear today, I might see a sprained ankle in my future as Grey calls to me from the kitchen and Gemma dive-bombs for a toy 😅. You, on the other hand, I believe in you! If you’re looking for a fun, entry level step class you can do at home – this one seems like a great place to start and is such a calorie-burner!

I love them all this week, but the last two are really nudging me. Which number are you taking with you into the last week of April?
I almost made this its own post, it shook me so! How many times do we think, oh, that person doesn’t like me, or yikes, that person is a jerk. What if we saw it this through this lens instead? 🤯
5 easy ways to stop procrastinating today.
These look twice as expensive as what I paid, and go with everything, 10/10 recommend. And if you’re between sizes, size up. I’m normally an 8.5, but went with a 9.
Also, they have the best price I’ve found on the waterproof Birks. These are my around the house go-to but they’re comfy enough to wear out and about all day.
6 Secrets to Staying Healthy and Active from a 102 year old Holistic Medicine Specialist 😍. This sparked immense joy!
Experts Say To Prioritize This Workout Over Anything Else. (Agreed 🙌🏽)
What a phenomenal idea for a podcast – Wiser Than Me – celebrating the wisdom of older women!
The Ultimate Blood Sugar Diet—Eat Your Way to Optimal Health.
The different ways our minds perceive the world. I got “hyperphantastic”. Your turn: you can take the quiz here.
These candles look too pretty to burn 😍. I’m on a cactus kick. How gorgeous is the detailing on this weekender bag?
Are you planning on growing any of these vegetables in your garden?
6 Green Flags You’re Becoming Your Best Self– a big YES to all of these!
Struggle to put down your phone at night? Try this trick from a sleep psychologist.
Have you heard about the Tart Cherry ‘Sleepy Girl Mocktail’ That’s Taking Over the Internet?
Vegan Lunch Ideas That Are So Good, You’ll Forget They’re Healthy.
What an incredible How To Do Anything round-up! I especially loved how to get your kids to talk at dinner, and how to change your life.
You know how I’m always talking about making a promise to yourself each day and keeping it to build self-trust, self-worth and self-confidence? Today’s promise is to remember the power of my words and model well for Grey. It’s something I strive for every day, but today I want to make a hyper-focused effort to speak only kindness, check in on a friend who’s had a low week, and find the good rather than complain (all easier said than done, but I’m trying nonetheless!). What is a promise you’re making and keeping today? I would love to hear in the comments below 💙. I hope you have a beautiful, inspiring, and joy-filled week!