I love meeting women who make it their mission to lift up other women. Especially those who help to educate, inspire, and empower everyone around them. Sonia Azad is that lady, and so much more. She is the health and wellness reporter at WFAA in Dallas, a yoga and meditation instructor, and a community cultivator for all things fitness and healthy living. In today’s Part of the Pack conversation, I ask her about small wellness shifts we can make this year, how to combat news overload, and her favorite mindfulness mediums. I know you’re going to find a nugget or two that speak to you. I sure did:
Meet Yogi & Journalist, Sonia Azad.
I know. She is so beautiful. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Sonia in person thanks to an introduction from a mutual friend (Hi, Tanja ?). But I think a lot of her beauty comes from the inside. Sonia is as kind as she is smart as she is thoughtful, and yes, pretty too. She calls herself part yogi, part news junkie, and is fully committed to exploring what it means to live a healthy and dynamic life while sharing those discoveries with her friends, viewers, and social community.
How does a news anchor covering COVID-19 battle news fatigue, and what can we learn from it?
As a Health & Wellness reporter in Dallas, TX, Sonia spends a lot of time on camera sharing stories about fitness, nutrition, medical research and overall healthy living. But for a lot of the past year she has been covering every facet of COVID-19 and I talk to her about the toll that must take on her (and all of us). She has some great advice for how to battle news burnout, along with a host of healthy tips for us to bring into 2021.

What is one thing we can do to make a shift in ourselves this year?
Sonia shared so many wonderful words of wisdom, but for me, the biggest moment was when she told the story of visualizing what she wanted, putting energy and intention into it, and working to make it happen. She didn’t just apply for the role of Health and Wellness reporter – she created it based on manifestation, intention, and putting in the work.
Write down what it is that you want, and be as specific as possible: What do you want to see when you look out the window? How much money do you want to make? What time do you want to wake up? It’s the power of energy and intention; putting that behind what it is that you truly want.
Sonia Azad
See more from Sonia.
I left this conversation feeling inspired to start adding meditation into my daily routine. Sonia has such a calming presence to her and I need that in my life! I love how she said even five minutes a day can make a difference for us. I hope you jotted down a note or two that gave you the boost you need to make a tweak or two in your own wellness journey.
Click here for the book Sonia mentions at the top of the interview, Dr. Jennifer Ashton’s The Self Care Solution. I love that it is broken down to monthly challenges so it feels more doable than starting 12 new habits at once.
You can check out Sonia’s website here to take a yoga class, sign up for one of her wellness retreats, and connect with her health & fitness community. Thank you for your time, sweet Sonia, and thank you for being Part of the Pack today!
I look forward to ur Sunday posts. Plus ur missed here in in New York
Thank you so much for saying so, Linda! And for being here!!