Pack Picks: Kitchen Finds Under $50!

By Kaylea

Apr 6, 2021 | Sunday Scrolls, Uncategorized

We follow the ‘one in, one out’ rule around here. At least, our intention is to try to donate an item for every new thing we bring into the home. We started it in an effort to not accumulate so much stuff, which is especially cumbersome when you move as often as we do. Since I just got done dropping off a box to Goodwill, we made some room, and are taking a peek at our latest buys for the kitchen. If you’re like us, you spend a lot of time in the heart of the home, and it happens to be one of my favorite places to accessorize! Today we’re sharing our 5 favorite finds for the kitchen, and bonus: they’re all under $50!

5. Coconut Bowls. I am nuts for these! First, if you have open shelving, they help to add layers & texture to your staging. And as we head into salad season and family bbq’s, these bowls are perfect for serving guests! They’re the best blend of unique, stylish, and a conversation starter. Not to mention organic, vegan, and sustainably made!

4. Cookbooks! Aside from their practical use, cookbooks are a wonderful tool to weave into your shelf & counter styling. Plus, you’ll be looking at them more often than when they’re tucked away, and more likely to open it up and try new recipes. We linked all of our favorites in the book section of our Amazon shop!

3. Bamboo Scrubber. It’s the little dish for me! This 4-piece set is far superior to our old plastic germ-infested brush we’d been using for too long. If something has to sit out in the open, it’s nice when it feels more purposeful. PS – we chose this one in particular because I loved the ceramic look of the dish, but it’s actually plastic. So if you have a little helper like we do, you don’t run the risk of it breaking.

2. Pretty Plates. We have a set of black ceramic plates and bowls that live on our open shelves in the kitchen. But they aren’t something we use every day. More like when we’re making Sunday supper, or having a larger meal that needs more plate-space. If we’re having a simpler dinner, or making something for Grey, 9 times out of 10 we reach for a melamine plate. They are especially fabulous as we take dinner outdoors more often in the summer season! Un-breakable and easy-clean. We just swapped our Easter plates for these bright beauties and I can’t recommend them enough!

  1. Joyful Jug. Admittedly, when it comes to pitchers, I do not follow the rule I told you about in the opening ?. I love them too much! Plus, they are so fun to swap in and out with the seasons, move to different parts of the house to pepper in to shelfies and on mantels, atop a stack of books with a sweet bouquet of flowers. You get the idea. And with Mother’s Day coming up, this would make for a lovely gift for Mom!
Thank you so much for supporting the Pack today! We so appreciate you stopping by this cozy corner of the internet and are always grateful when we see your notes and clicks. Sometimes, if you follow a link, we may make a small commission at no cost to you. It helps us keep these fun finds coming and wow are we glad to do it!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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