Not A One-Stop Shop

By Kaylea

Jul 5, 2017 | Blog, Uncategorized

Recently we had a client become so ready for the projects to be complete, when it came to the furniture and accessories (my favorite!), they implored us to just order it all from one store. So boom!, it could be done tomorrow. No. A hard no. And here’s why. Though you may step inside Pottery Barn and ooh and ahh and wish your home could look *just like that*, it can’t, and you don’t want it to. When a home is designed well, it is a beautiful reflection of the people in it. Like holding up a mirror to your little family on your best day. Your smiles are like sunbeams, you’re all wearing your favorite color, complementing each other perfectly. That’s what a well thought out, lived in and loved home looks like to me. Don’t rush it, I promise it will be worth the wait. Here’s what the Pack does when we’re staging a home for clients, and we even hold each other to this same rule when designing our own homes. (Jon’s the, “want it now, impatient one” so trust me, it’s a battle for us too.)

Look at it as a treasure hunt. Make a list of what you need, and ready, set, GO!

Garage Sales, Estate Sales and even the Farmer’s Market. I used to hate when my Grandpa Bob picked me up from school. I got car sick with his driving (sorry Gramps!) and he’d also stop at on our way home. A one mile trip took hours and I had homework to do. But when I stopped pouting and started eyeing the goods, I was hooked. Soon I traded homework help for food at the lunch table so I could keep my lunch money for the sales. Score! Jon and I have become Grandpa and you wouldn’t believe the things you can find when you look hard enough. Sure, every one might not be the treasure trove, but they’re out there, I promise. Another unlikely place? Your local farmer’s market! More and more makers are showing up next to the vegetable stands and the finds are fantastic. Grey and I went for tomatoes last week and came home with a beautifully made basket from Africa. It’s unlike anything you’ll find at Home Goods.

All the Big Box stores. But speaking of Home Goods, it’s a weekly trip just like the grocery store for our family. They have fantastic up-to-the-minute trends for less. Some of my favorite things to snag at Home Goods are throw pillows, outdoor planters and kitchen accessories. Every once in a while, they surprise me with a gorgeous designer dupe piece of furniture and I am giddy the whole way home.

Our favorite online shops. When we were in Chicago, we hit up West Elm, cb2, Crate and Barrel, Jayson Home, Z Gallerie, Design Within Reach, Room & Board – all of our favorites, on the regular. However, those hot spots are nowhere in sight in our new town and thank goodness for the web. Another favorite? – I’ve said it before but it’s worth the reminder. Great prices and fantastic (free!) and fast shipping. Yes, please!

Instagram and Pinterest. I have found the most amazing inspiration and small business owners through Instagram. This is where I have done most of our purchasing for our new home and clients lately – there are so many wonderfully talented people out there and I have made it my mission to support as many #girlbosses as I can. The etsy shops these ladies run rival any big box options out there. This is one of the secrets to adding that collected feel to your space – handmade, vintage, crafted goodness. Check our #NixonPack Pinterest board for some of our favorites! OK fine, I’ll give you one of my latest girl crushes now (still check back on Pinterest later) – Cynthia Harper. She’s @harperandarrowmarketplace on Insta and you will LOVE her finds. She has an amazing eye!

Your Facebook friends and neighbors. Those talented #girlbosses? They’re not just people you’ll never meet on the internet. They could be living right next door. I challenge you to put it out there on your Facebook page and ask if any of your friends have their own businesses. Imagine the possibilities if we all supported our neighbors?

Vintage. What’s old is new again. No, really. If you can’t hit up your grandparents basement (Gram has some mid-century gems I have been trying to sneak in Jon’s truck), you can definitely check out your local vintage shops and salvage yards. Think of what you could repaint, repurpose and recycle. Next time you have guests over, trust me when I tell you they will be way more impressed with, “oh, we got that at the salvage warehouse and updated it a bit” rather than, “oh yea, it’s from Home Depot”. Bonus – they can’t run out and get the same one. It’s uniquely yours, which is even sweeter, amIright? I am always featuring our favorite vintage finds on my Insta stories. Follow along with us!

PS – Don’t believe me about waiting a bit? Check out the featured image above, then revisit this post. See what a difference a couple of months (and a few great thrifting finds) can make?

To give you an idea of the mix you see above:

Capiz Shell Hanging: Vintage (Driftwood & Glitter)

Last Supper Art: all from different salvage shops

Face Vases: Eclectic Goods

Star Chotsky: Garage Sale

Chest: HomeGoods

Wishbone Chair: Target

Juju Hat: Handmade from Etsy

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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