Nixon 2.0 For President

By Kaylea

Apr 23, 2017 | Blog

I’ve always had an affinity for the red, white and blue. Patriotic pride pumps through my veins and with a last name of Nixon, we get asked about our relation to the President on the regular. Funny story. When my mom was pregnant with me she was so sure I was a girl that she agreed to let my dad name me if I turned out to be a boy. He was ecstatic and had picked out the moniker of Ronald Reagan Race (my maiden name). Could you imagine?! When he asked about future grandchildren he begged me to consider the name Reagan, as my dad had dubbed him one of the Great Ones. One more time I ask you, could you imagine?! Reagan Nixon. Poor babe. Sorry Dad, no Reagan Nixon, but we did whip up a pretty sweet Presidential Library as a playroom for Grey. It’s the perfect accompaniment to his retreat nursery, Camp David Grey next door. 

If you had a book in one hand, a toy in the other, and asked Grey to choose, he’d choose the book all day. Then repeat “again” until you had read it so many times your eyes would bleed. He adores books. So a presidential library was the perfect theme for his playroom. The inspiration behind this room was not only Grey’s love of reading, but also this gorgeous vintage desk. It was in my father’s elementary school and my grandma rescued it before it was demolished a long time ago. It lived in my dad’s living room until he died and was something I played with as a little girl, and now Grey plays with every day. I am so grateful to have it and the memories it holds.

You can’t have a Presidential Library without presidents, amIright? I commissioned these pop-art portraits from an artist I found on etsy. Another #girlboss, and I think she knocked it out of the White House park, especially that mini POTUS in the center. It’s a fun focal point and ties the whole theme together. Grey’s favorite for now is President Lincoln, whom he affectionately refers to as “Abe babe”. #NixonPack Tip: spend a few extra dollars on anti-glare glass for your frames. As you can see, I didn’t, and I am totally regretting it.

On the bookshelves, you’ll find more than one hundred books…and counting. I can’t stop. Especially the clearance section at Marshall’s and the amazing vintage books we find when we’re out thrifting. SO good. But to give the bookshelves more flair, we’ve peppered in some of his favorite toys and musical instruments. They actually make awesome bookends and lend an air of whimsy to the space. After all, it is a playroom.

This rug was the third one we tried in here. Yes, three. And third one’s a charm. The first one was lackluster. It was shag and boring, not easy to roll trains across or practice your next big speech ABC’s.  The second was a terrible online purchase that shed worse than our dogs. Yep, all five put together. Those mistakes led me to this one, and it’s certainly the star of the show.

A few more patriotic pops helped to add to our theme – this sweet airplane mobile in the corner and the flag bunting across the shelves. We also threw in a giant red bean bag, a cozy oversized chair in the corner, and a tiny table for hosting state dinners with Elmo. Our favorite Letterfolk board found its home in here and is great for announcing big milestones, our favorite presidential quotes and nursery rhyme lyrics. #NixonPack Tip: Order extra letters! Our Presidential Library playroom is definitely a theme that we can expand upon as he gets older and I can’t wait to see what’s ahead for this Little President.

Future President Grey Mitchell Nixon approved this message, and he is not a crook. 😉

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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