I know not everyone has an hour to listen to a podcast, so we decided to start a new series where we pore over a bevy of conversations each week, and dissect the best, most life-enhancing nuggets of wisdom that takes you 5 minutes (or less!) to read. Today’s focus is on daily habits, which is a perfect way to lean in to a new month with new motivation:
I loved this episode so much, I listened to it twice. Two phenomenal sources of wisdom, well-being inspiration, and evidence they practice what they preach: Lewis Howes and James Clear. Here are the key takeaways:

- Go to bed smarter than when you woke up. Do this by developing a thirst for lifelong learning – a strong yearning to discover something new each day.
- GOAL: Read, listen, absorb something new to you for 10 minutes each day.
- Live an active lifestyle. This habit won’t stick until you discover what gets you motivated to move your body. There are endless opportunities to work out – keep trying new things until you find what energizes, empowers, and excites you. It’s out there waiting for you!
- GOAL: Find a way to move that you look forward to doing each day.
- Habit of reflection and review. If we don’t stop and reflect, we get into a pattern of doing, and it might not be in the direction of our highest and best use.
- GOAL: Ask yourself these questions before bed each night – Did I live a good life today? Think about it, then course-correct. What we want/ our resources/ our purpose shifts over time. Is there a better way to do this? Am I working on what actually matters?
How to support habits:
Accountability – self-accountability matters the most. Your standards are the limit of what you accept/ allow yourself to do. The standards we hold ourselves to are the most important to our long-term success.
The more your habits align with the group, the easier they are to stick to. And the desire to BELONG, often overpowers the desire to improve. So choosing your tribe, your neighbors, your co-workers MATTERS.
The people who exhibit the highest self control, are the people who are tempted the least. STACK THE DECK IN YOUR FAVOR. Belong to tribes where your desired behavior is accepted and encouraged. Worry less about superhuman willpower, and more about being in an environment where you need no willpower at all.

Which nugget stood out the most to you? For me, the wow factor was our innate desire to belong, so making sure we’re surrounded by the right group of people is absolutely key. If we’re the amalgamation of the 5 people we’re closest to, I want to ensure those 5 people are the smartest, kindest, most compassionate, dedicated humans so I can keep striving for my best self.
Leave your takeaway in the comments below, and let me know which podcast you want Cliff’s notes for next! 🫶🏼