Part of the Pack

Sunday Scrolls: March 2025

Big hugs from us in this edition of Scrolls, along with marvelous morsels to move us into March! If you're looking for the latest research in longevity (easy, practical shifts we can make to live healthfully, longer!), the BEST book I've read in ages and why I know...

Plant Proteins We Eat + Love

I believe the foods we put into our bodies largely shape our overall health and wellbeing. I also believe that the foods we choose to consume are wildly personal for a myriad of reasons. You may do just fine on dairy, whereas I have a serious intolerance for it. The...

Sunday Scrolls: February 2025

We made it to February! I have such hope and excitement for the month ahead, especially after a particularly long one 😅. Let's start with a roundup of a new cookie creation, a movement hack for reducing glucose spikes, rare love languages, and a beautiful smattering...
Part of the PackUncategorized

Part of the Pack: The Heirloomist

Do you have something extraordinarily special to you that you wish you could capture the essence of and display in a place of honor? Same. Enter, The Heirloomist. In today's Part of the Pack conversation, we talk with the incredibly talented photographer, Shana...

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Part of the PackUncategorized

2021 Pack Promises

Have you noticed the past few years it's become a little cringey to use the word "resolutions"? Then we tried the word mantra, even an Oprah-favorite, intention. They're all in the same family, really. But this year, oooh, you cannot utter the phrase "setting New...

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