
Sunday Scrolls: March 2025

Big hugs from us in this edition of Scrolls, along with marvelous morsels to move us into March! If you're looking for the latest research in longevity (easy, practical shifts we can make to live healthfully, longer!), the BEST book I've read in ages and why I know...

Plant Proteins We Eat + Love

I believe the foods we put into our bodies largely shape our overall health and wellbeing. I also believe that the foods we choose to consume are wildly personal for a myriad of reasons. You may do just fine on dairy, whereas I have a serious intolerance for it. The...

Sunday Scrolls: February 2025

We made it to February! I have such hope and excitement for the month ahead, especially after a particularly long one 😅. Let's start with a roundup of a new cookie creation, a movement hack for reducing glucose spikes, rare love languages, and a beautiful smattering...

Nixon 2.0 For President

I've always had an affinity for the red, white and blue. Patriotic pride pumps through my veins and with a last name of Nixon, we get asked about our relation to the President on the regular. Funny story. When my mom was pregnant with me she was so sure I was a...

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Hunting in the Paper Mache Forest

If I could snap my fingers and have the entire house painted, renovated and curated, I'd do it. OK, that's not true. I say that I'd like it all done in an instant, but the truth is, this is the fun part. Now. When everything is in disarray and I spend ridiculous...

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Before You Paint Your Molding, Try This

You know I didn't see our current home before Jon pulled the trigger, right? Thank goodness. Because I would have vetoed it immediately. Frankly, I wouldn't have scheduled a showing after viewing the photos online. He's a brave soul, no? It was dark. It looked...

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CEO-O: Chief Expert of Online Ordering

I’ve just crawled out from under roughly 198 moving boxes, and must be a glutton for punishment because the boxes keep coming and it feels like me and the post lady are besties. I am, however, #1 on the hitlist of the UPS guy (and my wonderful husband). I...

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Our Moving Mistakes & How To Avoid Them

Well, we made it. Nice to meet you new home. From telling friends and family that I didn't get to see our house until after the closing, I found out that this is not really the norm for most. People were appalled. What if you don't like it?! Let me say this. Jon,...

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The only box you need to pack

For about two months before the stork brought home, the crazy midwife (who was texting throughout my entire 23 hour labor) delivered, the arrival of our sweet Grey Mitchell Nixon, I had a "go bag" packed. It had all the necessities, or so I thought. As a first time...

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Meet the Pack

This is the #NixonPack. Well, the partial pack if you will - we're missing the tiny human and are in great need of an updated family photo. But for a second let's imagine an overworked Dad wrangling four large dogs, each pulling in an opposite direction...

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