12 Days of Christmas: Wellbeing

By Kaylea

Dec 8, 2022 | Well-Being

On the first day of Christmas my wellness counselor gave to me…a calendar filled with peace!

day 1

You know this already, but you’re too polite to follow through: You don’t need to reply to every message, or answer every call right away. They can wait. Sometimes you’re in the middle of something, not in the right headspace, or just want to think about how you’d like to respond. It’s not only OK, but also absolutely necessary to protect your peace.

day 2

Enjoy dessert, and do so with purpose. I have been hyper-committed to cutting back on sugar. I don’t like the way it makes me feel (puffy, hungover-y, headaches). But in the holiday season in particular, the desserts are plentiful, sometimes magical, and there are times when you want to say YES, absolutely yes. When we do so mindfully, with full attention to each layer of flavor – with the intention to enjoy and appreciate – we actually get not just the taste, but the experience. It makes us lean in toward the occasion, sample what we like, and say no to the junk that just doesn’t measure up.

day 3

Every day, but especially the days you feel like a revolving door with holiday parties, family commitments, last minute grocery runs, and hosting duties – be mindful of how much water you’re drinking. If you start to feel tired, or hangry, it’s likely because you haven’t had enough water. A good rule of thumb is about 12 cups for women, and 16 cups for men. Speaking of, how many times have you refilled your glass today?

day 4

Have you ever had a friend handle a chore you were dreading, or a partner set up an appointment you kept putting off? It feels so good when someone cares enough to take something on that makes your life just a little bit easier. These small acts of service can be such a blessing (for both parties)! Think about what you could take on for someone in your family that will help them get through their day. It can be as simple as breaking down the boxes for recycling, descaling the coffee machine, or picking up their favorite dinner. I’ve noticed the more I genuinely listen during conversations, the easier it is to find fun ways to surprise a friend.

day 5

Take yourself on a date. I can hear you telling me you’re going to skip this one. Please don’t! When we’re thinking about everyone else but ourselves with gifts, meals, conversations, visits – our cup drains pretty quickly. Even if you can set aside an hour, you’re going to reap the rewards ten-fold. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. My ideal date is a trip to the library where I can spend the entire hour poring over the adult section (instead of the kiddie area) and maybe curl up in the oversized chair in the corner to start one before heading back. How will you spend your date?

day 6

Move your body! This doesn’t have to be as defined as a workout. It can be as simple as getting up from your desk every hour and stretching, an impromptu dance party, or taking a walk around the block after a big meal. Go solo for a re-charge, or invite the whole family to come along! You already know all of the reasons why, and that your brain, your muscles, your bones, and your MOOD will thank you for it.

day 7

One of the biggest improvements to our life in 2022 came by way of meditation. I am shouting from the desktop – consider starting a meditation practice. I’m doing a 40-day challenge with this one – it’s only 5 minutes long and I habit-stack it by playing it when we brush our teeth morning and night! It is an instant mental boost and feels like sunshine for the soul.

day 8

I heard an analogy the other day that made so much sense – when your inner battery is low – schedule time to plug in the wall. Bookend time with friends, family dinners, and holiday parties with alone time. This can look like laying in bed with your favorite show, making yourself a hot mug of tea, scrolling social media, or doing nothing at all. But here’s the key: without judgment, without shame, solely to recharge your battery in whatever way works best for you.

day 9

Tie up loose ends. As we approach a New Year, think about anything that wakes you up at night, or that keeps getting put off on your to-do list. Is it a call you have to make? A decision you’ve been dreading? It’s time to take care of it. Would you do it now if I told you a huge weight will be lifted off your shoulders and you would be shrouded in a cloud of peace? There’s no wrong way to do it. Handling it now is an incredible win, and you’re freeing up valuable mental real estate you can take into 2023.

day 10

When you’re running errands today, make it a point to be overly kind and accommodating to every single person you encounter. Not in a fake, sickly sweet kind of way. But in an I’m sure you’re dealing with far more than I can imagine, so I am going to be the light for you kind of way. Imagine if for a whole day it felt like strangers were paying you genuine compliments, and offering help, maybe tipping just a little extra. How good would that feel? We can all be that for someone else and sprinkle that kindness like Christmas glitter.

day 11

Clear the clutter in one drawer, and if you’re feeling ambitious, go for a whole closet. That physical clutter translates to mental clutter as well. When our spaces are clean, we’re more creative, we’re in a better mood, and we feel more optimistic. Set a timer for 10 minutes and see how far you get. Warning – you won’t be able to stop at one. It’s addictive!

day 12

Say THANK YOU. Say it before your feet touch the ground in the morning. When you have a warm meal. When you get a hug from a loved one. When you fill your glass of water. When you see the sunshine peeking out from the clouds. When you open your fridge and can’t find a place to put the casserole. We have an abundance of blessings around us, and even more to be grateful for when we start looking for the good, instead of the things that aren’t the way we want them right now. Let’s sit with this for a moment, it’s one of my favorite quotes of all time:

If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.

Meister eckhart

And with that, THANK YOU, truly thank you for being here. You are a gift, and I am so grateful to share this space with you! Wishing you a well of joy and peace today.

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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