10 Joy Jolts I Journaled This Week

By Kaylea

May 6, 2022 | Well-Being

I am very much a believer of when you look for the good, you’ll see more of it. So in an effort to do just that, (instead of keeping them to myself in my gratitude journal), I’m sharing some here in a new series to celebrate joy: big wins, small smiles, and everything in between)! Here are this week’s sweet surprises:

1. Rescuing Baby Turtles

We’re always on the lookout for turtles on the paths and in the road this time of year. This little man was the fourth we saved this week alone. Watch your step 😍

2. First Pool Dip

90 degrees meant our (er, Grey’s) first swim of the season. I’m waiting until the water warms up a little more! PS – these microfiber pool towels are super soft and come in a 2-pack (with a bunch of colors to choose from!)

3. Roses in Bloom

Jon tried to hack down this “weed”, but I had a feeling she was something special. Now it’s the most gorgeous rose bush trailing our fence line.

4. Kind Neighbors

Our new neighbors just had their fourth (!!) baby and I left a big, nourishing organic fruit salad on their porch. She returned our dish with fresh juices from Whole Foods. Talk about a SuperMom, and super thoughtful, too πŸ™πŸΌ.

5. Gemma Walks

Gemma walks are the highlight of my day. They’re usually 3-4 miles and any time the mercury passes 80 degrees, she takes “breaks” along the way, which usually consist of her flinging her body on people’s lawns and asking for a belly rub πŸ˜†.

6. Coffee Cake for Grey the Great

Grey’s favorite treat of all time is coffee cake. If we do a Trader Joe’s run, we pick him up a mini cake, and he squeals with excitement. I tried my hand at homemade and it was devoured in seconds πŸ˜….

7. Postcard from a friend

Last weekend we were in the historic town square of Downtown McKinney, and we stumbled into a little shop with all sorts of knickknacks. I gravitated toward the postcard display and bought one of a rattlesnake (I know, but I love 🐍!), and we were saying how no one sends postcards anymore. My Dad always did and I treasure them so much. Who would have known that my friend Deanna must have been thinking the same, and sent me this out of the blue from a fundraiser to benefit efforts in Ukraine. Such a sweet sentiment!

8. Ceremonial Matcha

Something you might not know about Jon, is that he loves to bring us home little surprises. Sometimes it’s an organic chocolate bar, maybe a face mask, something small to tell us he’s thinking about us. It is such a thoughtful, joyful, generous love language. A few months back, during one of his grocery trips, he brought home “ceremonial grade matcha tea”. I had been having matcha of the bulk variety (read: less expensive πŸ˜†) and didn’t know what a difference ceremonial grade would make. It’s divine. Not only the quality, but the act of putting it together, whisking until it foams, and the presence of sitting down for a few minutes to sip it in solitude. What a JOY!

9. Paint Swatches

When we moved in to this house, we didn’t know how long we would be staying. So we took on projects here and there, and while we desperately wanted paint to be one of them, there is no way to start the project without finishing it (all the great rooms flow together). Since we’re letting our roots grow just a little while Grey is in elementary school, it’s time to tackle the walls and get rid of the yellow.

10. Uno!

I always talk about consumption – in every way we “consume” – whether it be food, music, thoughts, friends, media, shows, books, etc. So in an effort to be more mindful about screen time, we have been having dinner at the table every night, and after we clear our plates, we play a family game or two. This week it’s been Uno and we are having way more fun than I thought when we set forth on this no-pad mission. In a 5 night stretch of playing, I’ve only won once πŸ˜…. Jon and Grey have been dominating!

What are some of your Joy Jolts this week? I would love to hear in the comments! We can't wait to Scroll with you on Sunday!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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