Sunday Scrolls: January 3rd

By Kaylea

Jan 3, 2021 | Sunday Scrolls, Uncategorized

You look wonderful today! Rested and well. We hope your 2021 is off to the loveliest start, in all the ways you’d imagined it could be. I have so enjoyed this extra time at home with my people with the past two Fridays off for the holidays. If you’re dreading a full week back to work, we have you covered with some fresh inspiration, fun finds, and new content to scroll. Sunday scaries be gone!

Make It.

We make this smoothie (or a very close version to it), every day. So when I asked Grey to film it with me, he was so excited, and I imagined it would be an easy feat. Oh, how I was wrong ?. I was able to stitch three takes together so we could get the point across and you’d be on your way to drinking a cup of health to start your day. Take 1, Grey snuck his little hand over to the remote and shut the video off when I was mid-sentence because he thought I was blocking your view of him too much ?. Take 2, he decided to try his hand at opera singing, and sung every ingredient. And on the final take, we just went with it, even when I may or may not have let a non-smooth(ie) word slip out.

NixonPack Vitamin C Smoothie

In case you can’t make it through (and we won’t blame you!), here’s our #NixonPack Vitamin C Smoothie Recipe:

  • Orange Juice
  • Fresh spinach. We use several handfuls. You can use as much or as little as you like, but we promise, once you add the next ingredient, you won’t taste the greens!
  • Bananas
  • 1 cup of frozen riced cauliflower (also covered by the bananas!)
  • 1 cup of frozen fruit
  • Any additives you like! We love dried goji berries, acerola powder, and sometimes, MCT oil.
  • Blend twice and enjoy!

Watch It.

I’m still not over how exceptional of a series The Queen’s Gambit turned out to be. So when the hype started bubbling over for Bridgerton on Netflix, I had reservations, but dove right in. I have to say, it is not the best series I’ve ever watched (plot and character development-wise). But the set design, the elegance, the small, luxurious details in their wardrobe makes it one of the most aesthetically appealing shows I’ve seen in a long time. They pulled me in with all of the glamour, and I stayed to find out what happens to the Duke and Daphne. Their love story was the dreamiest, but I was kind of meh about the rest of the characters. Have you watched? What was your take?

Read It.

When I put a poll up on instagram stories this week asking if you wanted me to review a self help book or a murder mystery, you sounded the alarm loud and clear for a juicy murder novel. Enter Moonflower Murders. If you pick it up at your local bookstore, the size may seem intimidating. It’s the girthiest book I’ve read in quite a while. But it is so enveloping, so fantastically written and the suspense is so relentless that before you know it, you’re past the halfway mark and can’t put it down. 9.5/10 ⭐️

PS – do you ever read author bios? I am fascinated by them, and the biography of Anthony Horowitz (on the left side of the page) is unlike any other I’ve seen. No wonder his work is so extraordinarily unique!

Listen to it.

If you’re short on time, I went back and screenshotted the exact moment you should start this On Purpose podcast (at the 7:57 mark). Jay details a 3 Step System Effective People Use to Start The Year Strong, and whether you have a list of resolutions, or none, it’s a beautiful, powerful motivator for the day, the week, or the year ahead!

Feel It.

If you have an extra moment, swipe over the quotes and find a mantra that speaks to you. This is my favorite compilation yet, and I feel so thankful to share them with you today ???.

Try It.

New favorite Apple Watch band (and less than $12!). And one for your guy – the quality is so much better than I imagined!

This idea of “32 before you brew” is the best goal to start each day. I’m stealing that one, plus creating a “ceremony” in the evenings. Here are the Pack Promises we made for 2021.

If you’re in need of a little more sparkle in your life, this initial collar necklace has you covered. Very on trend, beautiful quality, and great price point.

12 Daily Reminders ?.

Studies show January is the most popular month to refresh your sheets and bath towels. For sheets, we recommend these 10/10 (look at those reviews!). So soft, easy to put on, and wrinkle-free. For bath towels, head to Costco if you can. These “bath sheets” are the best we’ve ever used and get high praise from our houseguests.

Speaking of, I mentioned I’ve been seeking to add more joy triggers to everyday life, not just special occasions. When we have company over, I like to do the triangle fold in the toilet paper after I clean the bathroom. But let’s go just one extra step and spark some joy: take any rubber stamp (I use this one!), wet it with a little water, then stamp the fold in the toilet paper and voila – 5 ⭐️ hotel quality!

50 Things You Can do to be Happier in the New Year – this list is phenomenal & one of the most well put-together I’ve seen. I starred several to try ???.

Brand new to H&M this week – this gorgeous faux shearling jacket for less than $60. I love the shape & that it’s warm, but not bulky!

Oooh, it’s the ombre blue staircase for me. What a daring design! Here’s a throwback to when we suggested that on Walkthrough Wednesday ??.

So this is what we should be doing to get a good night’s sleep!

I was hoping to gain a nugget or two from this display of “life hacks”, but all I got was a good laugh. Maybe the saran wrap trick is worth a try? ?

We're so thankful you're a part of our Scrolls family. We hope you have the most incredible start to your week!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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