Meet the Pack

By Kaylea

Nov 16, 2016 | Blog, Uncategorized

This is the #NixonPack. Well, the partial pack if you will – we’re missing the tiny human and are in great need of an updated family photo.

But for a second let’s imagine an overworked Dad wrangling four large dogs, each pulling in an opposite direction (squirrel!), while this tired mama simultaneously carries the chihuahua that refuses to walk like a real dog and a nine month old baby that would love to put all his sister’s fur in his mouth, and mama’s hair, and get down and eat the dirt, too. Now that would be some family picture. And yes, you read right, FIVE dogs.

So while we schedule that photo shoot, we’ll introduce the Pack to you. Jon is the overworked Dad mentioned above and he is just the best. He’d never tell you he’s good at anything, but let me tell you, he can do it ALL. He is self-taught, or Grandpa taught, on everything from electrical to tile, knocking down walls and installing the most insta-worthy hexagonal marble backlash. He is the master of the honey do list, insanely talented and will make you laugh until you pee your pants. When I introduce him to someone new, I always have to add a disclaimer about how wildly inappropriate he is, but without fail he’s the clear favorite of this duo and that is A-OK by me.

I call myself the GC of the pack, and Jon will agree. Isn’t that right, dear? I am the budget-minded, practical one, with whip ready for cracking at all times. You’ve heard of champagne taste on a beer budget? Yass. No matter how much we, or a client, has to spend, I will seek out every option and find the most fabulous piece for the very best price. I love the thrill of the hunt, staying up on the latest design trends, then calling upon my old cheerleading days to rah rah Jon into thinking he can make the pages of House Beautiful open before our very eyes. And he does, without fail. Buying, selling, and renovating homes has been our form of marital therapy. We come together to build something beautiful and fill each project with laughter and love.

Now to the inspiration behind the Nixon Pack. Our five pups are all rescue dogs and are the best of friends. They follow each other everywhere, snuggle in the sunlight and are the most understanding, loving little pups with the newest human addition to the Pack. Jolea was the first we adopted when I was still in college and she has lived in every single dorm, apartment and house with us over the course of our relationship. I joke that she’s been around as long as Jon and she’s the one who stole my heart. She is my first baby and the joey in my pouch. The next two we rescued are the labs, Matilda and Stella from Hurricane Katrina. Ladea was a rescue from the dog warden in Syracuse, NY,  and Chancellor is our boxer who was burned by acid when he was just a puppy in Tennessee. They all have a story, they all have the most unique, sweet personalities and we are the luckiest. Is having five dogs easy? No, we are nuts. But are they worth it? You bet.

Lastly, the light of our lives, Grey Mitchell Nixon. He is the very definition of all that is right in the world. We were married for ten years before having him and yet it feels like I’ve known him my whole life. He is the happiest, most joy-filled, loving little babe and he will bite you hard with the most loving kisses and laugh wildly the whole day long. I could say thank you to God each night over a million lifetimes and it would never be enough to deserve this family of mine.

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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