I hesitated sharing our sunshine this week. Every single day that Grey is not safe at home with us, is every day I worry. I have a pit deep in my stomach until I hug him again at pickup. I know you know the feeling. I am sick for the people who lost their babies this week in the Robb Elementary school shooting. For all the people who loved them, who will never ever be the same. One of the things we have done is donate here, because in my opinion, that is one place we can at least attempt to start.
And another, is to continue to find joy in the everyday minutia – the sound of laughter, the pup snuggles, the tiny moments that try to piece your heart back together after an atrocity like this. We’re sharing today in hopes it can inspire a smile or two for you, too:
1. City Hike
The Katy Trail in downtown Dallas has been on my list since we moved here. It is the most beautiful oasis in the heart of the city. Grey power walked all four miles and still had energy to spare for the playground after 😅.

2. Bright Spots
I walk through this neighborhood a few times a week, and each home is adorned with a quote from the Bible. It is such a special experience to read them, and see what resonates with you that day.

3. Muffin Man
Grey asked if he could bake us banana bread muffins, and insisted he do it solo start to finish. I know I’m biased but they were positively scrumptious. He’s quite the little baker!

4. Mexican Wedding Cookies
Jon brought these home for us from Costco, and unlike other store-bought gluten-free + vegan cookies, these exceeded expectations by far. Remember the iced animal cookies we had when we were little? They taste like those, only better. Grab some & give them a shot if you see them! And if you haven’t tried our Churro Crispy Treats recipe – it’s a must!

5. Daily Reminders
We pass this in our home no less than 50 times a day. My Dad kept the clipping on the table and read it every morning with his coffee. I try to remind myself to stop and re-read it often. And then take it a step further by remembering to act on them. Imagine if we all took this wisdom to heart and sprinkled it like confetti to everyone around us? 🙏🏼

THANK YOU for making this such a safe, welcoming, wonderful place to come back to. I look forward to seeing you here more than you know. Sending you a hug, and hope for countless bucket fillers in your day 💙.