White Lies SELL

By Kaylea

Jan 17, 2017 | Uncategorized

We’ve all told a little white lie before, right? No judgement. I actually resolved to tell less of them in 2017. Working on it! Buttt for the purposes of this post, and for selling your home, we’re going to ask you to tell just a few.

  1. It’s a Pet-Free Home. Not true? Yea, me neither (#NixonPack for life). Now listen, you don’t actually need to come right out and say it’s “pet-free”. But what I need you to do is erase all signs of pets; beds, litter boxes, smells, hair, food, even pictures of the pooch. I know so many people are super pet-friendly these days because most everyone has a fur-baby of some sort at home. But just like kids, they like their own – not yours. They don’t want to see any evidence of your little creature. They want to envision the most clean, fresh, living space with their own dog or cat curled up sweetly in the window seat, because their pet doesn’t smell, shed, or (insert poop emoji here). I’m not kidding (or white lying) when I tell you that Jon and I have spray-painted burn spots in the lawn green before a showing. Yes, we’ll go that far (and it worked!).
  2. Of course we live this “pinsta-worthy” all the time. Those gorgeous bouquets in every room? We change them twice a week. The delicious batch of chocolate chip cookies you’re smelling? Baked fresh daily. The kids toys that are completely out of sight? What kid? We discussed the idea of lipstick on your pig and this is exactly what I’m talking about. When your potential buyers walk in your door you want to eliminate any concerns – don’t even let a thought cross their mind. You don’t want moms to think about where the heck they’re going to put all the games, toys and knick-knacks their kid has accumulated because they see yours burgeoning out of the basement living room kitchen nursery. Same goes for closets, drawers, shelves. Eliminate as much as you possibly can, fold clothes neatly and put every surface through the white glove test.
  3. The neighbors are fabulous! Start practicing your white lies in quotes – “They are so pet-friendly!” read: Their pack of dogs bark every single time they go outside. “They have great taste in music” read: The bass on their speakers makes me feel like we live next to a night club. “They are so committed to watching out for all the neighbors” read: They keep us talking for thirty minutes when we pull in the driveway and hold us hostage until we’ve heard every ounce of gossip on the street. Let’s focus on the positive, people. See? We’re resolving to be better in the New Year 😉

What white lies have you told to get your home sold? Share with us in the comments below!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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