What the Parade of Homes Means to the Pack

By Kaylea

Oct 1, 2018 | Uncategorized

It has been almost a year to the day since Jon and I were approached to design a house for the Parade of Homes. I started sharing the process immediately through our insta stories, and in posts. But just the other day, I had a friend ask me, almost sheepishly, what IS the Parade of Homes? Shoot. It didn’t occur to me that not everyone shares my obsession. You see, for as long as I can remember, I dreamt about designing a home for the Parade of Homes. I felt a gravitational pull to the event each year, and stayed far longer in each space than most.

So to answer her question, and maybe yours: The Parade of Homes is a showcase of new homes held annually in several regions throughout the country. Each participating builder selects a floor plan they’d like to spotlight, and works with a designer to bring it to life. Then they stage it to display the latest in design trends, the layers and layers of knick knacks and love to show every angle in its best light. In our case, the builder is JMG Custom Homes (and the design team is #NixonPack). When they asked us to meet last year, I had to pinch myself. This was a goal I always had, and knew would happen someday, I just didn’t think the someday was this day. We were warned again and again what an undertaking it would be. How much time it would take. The stress at the end. Everyone was right by the way. We took it all into consideration, and in truth, went back and forth about it, because when we commit, we really commit. 

There have been hundreds of several times I have wanted to turn back. Just this morning actually. It’s exhausting. And there are a whole bunch of things that are not as you imagine. A lot more compromise than I anticipated. But just like with the unexpected hiccups, there have been so many wondrous surprises. Like the insanely talented people we would meet and create with. Learning a lot about myself and how to work through different dynamics and personalities. How deep our love runs for all things home.

Our vision from the beginning before the hole was even dug, until the final day of the Parade is this: We are striving to create a space that inspires. Whether it be a first time homebuyer looking for ideas, a couple seeking to tackle a big renovation, or someone who is attempting their first DIY. Maybe it will give you the gusto to go vintage hunting at our favorite spot down the road, Sweet Salvage. Perhaps it will give you the permission you think you need to mix metals in the kitchen. Or do a wall of orchids because they bring you joy. Paint a lemon tree in your kiddo’s bedroom. We look at a home this way – You aren’t just funny. Or just smart. Or just kind. You’re all of those things. So the style of your house doesn’t have to be just “farmhouse” or “modern”, or “traditional”. It can be a little bit boho, a little contemporary, a little vintage. Because when your house becomes a home, it’s a mirror of all the people in it. And it showcases every angle of your personality. Even the quirky side. So that’s what you’ll find in any #NixonPack home, and we can’t wait for you to see what we’ve cooked up with JMG and a whole crew of talented people.

The Parade of Homes runs October 13 – 28 in Jamesville, NY. Check back for more glimpses into our designs, and for special dates and giveaways during the event!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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