Unexpected Ways to Find Inspiration for Your Next Home Project

By Kaylea

Dec 2, 2019 | Uncategorized

Whether you’re about to take on a major renovation, or are just looking for an inexpensive room refresh; finding your own unique aesthetic can be daunting. Here are a few starting points to style your space that you might not have tried:

The Save Archive on Instagram. You know that little feature where as you’re scrolling, if something is so dramatic, so jaw-dropping, that you actually stop the scroll? It’s a keeper. So those are the pictures, that for whatever reason, we hit the little flag button (right under the square on the right hand side) and keep them for later use. It’s like a secret file that no one else has access to, but you. I’d venture a guess that if you took a few extra minutes to tap through your saved photos, that inspo you’re looking for would be right under your nose. A color palette you may not have thought about, a recurring theme of textures, a light fixture that keeps popping up. ((Here’s a glimpse at mine, obviously, it includes donuts))

@nixonpack saved archive on instagram

Neighborhood Creeping. The bolded lead-in may have sounded worse than it is. But what we love to do (especially this time of year because it gets dark so early), is to take nightly strolls and have a peek inside the neighbors’ homes. Alright, slightly creepy. With all the lights on you can see a glimpse into their style, the light fixtures they chose for a space similar to yours, maybe a vibe you weren’t expecting. This is my favorite option for sourcing inspiration for exteriors – be it curb appeal, landscaping, holiday decor, and my latest obsession – gas lamps. Sidebar: it’s also a great way to get to know your neighbors. Imitation really is such a kind form of flattery.

image via pinterest

Zillow. You weren’t expecting that one, right? Even if you’re not looking to sell or buy right away, it is always in your best interest to keep tabs on the real estate market in your neighborhood. Your home is likely the biggest investment you have; so just like stocks, or your bank account, you want to check in every now and again and make sure you’re in good shape. While you’re at it, see what your would-be competition has going for it. Take in the way the homes are styled, the finishes they used in their latest renovations, the wall they blew out to expand the master bath. Eventually, this will matter a great deal, as buyers look to see how yours stacks up.

image via vanrenengwdesigns

Try one, or all three, and please report back. We’d love to know if you had an aha moment, or noticed a new design trend you want to employ in your own home. For us, it’s a softer look. Surprisingly, a little less blue, and more neutrals. Though I know we’ll never really quit blue, so perhaps just a lighter version of it šŸ˜‰ Thank you for being here with us!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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